牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 這周你的思維會變得很敏銳,所以抓住身邊的機會,不要浪費它們。相信自己,全速向前衝吧。
Aries Your mind is going to be sharp this week, so you should seize every opportunity coming to you. Use your keen mental power to move things along in your favor. Full steam ahead. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 不要低估自己的能力和勇氣。不要為了瑣碎的小事和別人發生爭執。這樣可能還會讓你失去和他人的友誼。
Taurus Don’t underestimate your power and bravery. Just be careful that you don’t start argument over petty issues that will not be worth losing friends over. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 本周可以將你的想法化作行動,和他人溝通講講你的計畫。不要愁眉不展,現在也許你應該做些改變了。徹底和過去說再見,重新開始吧。
Gemini This week, you can jump into action with vigor and communicate your thoughts to other people. Change will be important and necessary now. It also will be smart to wipe the slate clean and start anew. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 這個星期你可能會感到有些心煩意亂,你覺得周圍人都不能理解你。你可以試試多和他人交流自己的想法,那麼也許他們也會把最真實的一面展現給你。
Cancer You will feel a bit rough around the edges this week. It will seem as if no one understands you. But if you open up to others, you’ll allow them to open up to you too. You will have a great deal of personal wisdom to share. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 你的想法充滿著激情,好好利用這一點,也許這會成為你的優勢,好好的利用它,不要遲疑。
Leo Your thoughts will be emotionally charged, and you will also find that this can be used to your advantage. Don’t hesitate to get exactly what you want. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 本周會有種明快節奏的生活幫助你思考並且可以朝正確的方向前進。現在的你情緒穩定,身心合一。
Virgo The fast-paced frenzy of the week help you think clearly and guide you to the right direction. You will think more rationally about your emotions. Your heart and your head are working well together. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 本周你可能會發現一些人的話特別有說服力,你根本無法忽略並且冷靜以對。如果你想保持冷靜,也許可以停下手中的工作。
Libra You will find that other people’s words are charged with a great deal of passion that will be hard to ignore. You have your work cut out for you if you plan on maintaining a serene and calm disposition. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 這周你的精神狀態也處於最佳的工作狀態,你強有力的說辭不會被他人所忽略,並且正在有效律的接近自己的目標。
Scorpio There’s action to be taken, so make sure you get up early to make a fresh start. Your powerful words won’t be unnoticed by others. You will also be dynamic and effective to chase your dreams. Your mental acuity is in top working condition. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 做好你自己,你會從自己的自信中尋找到力量。大膽的表述自己的想法,你的話會變得很有說服力。
Sagittarius You’d better be yourself and you can do no wrong. You’ll find power at your disposal and confidence in yourself. Feel free to express your opinion. Your words and thoughts are highly charged. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 這周你可能會感受到一股活力的泉源湧上,是時候採取些行動。因此要努力朝自己的目標邁進,不要讓你的情緒太影響你。
Capricorn A dynamic feeling is in the air and calling on you to get up and get moving. Take this opportunity to push through some of your new ideas. Make strides toward the completion of your goals. Don’t let your emotions to get in your way. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 本周你可能會智力超群,能解決任何問題。在各個領域都有新的機遇會出現。好好利用這個機遇來挖掘下自己的潛能吧。
Aquarius You will have plenty of mental acumen that can help break through any puzzle. New beginnings are underway in many areas of your life. There’s no reason to delay any longer than you already have. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 本周試著變得「自私」點,多考慮下自己的處境,而不是老是把他人的利益放在自己之前。你值得做出些對自己有利的決定。
Pisces Try to be a bit selfish. You have every right to look out for number one. You should care more about yourself. Think rationally about your emotions and have the courage to say no to people once in a while. |