牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 本周你不乏想談論的話題。不過在表述自己的想法的時候,你可能會變得有些激動,但這也不是什麼壞事,最重要的就是你要讓他人知道你的立場。
Aries Your words will flow smoothly this week, and you won’t lack things to say. You may be a little bit aggressive when it comes to getting your opinion across, but that’s good. It’s important that you speak your mind so others know where you stand. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 如果你對他人的想法不滿意的話,就直接說出來吧,不然別人怎麼可能了解你的想法?不要故作謙虛,這可能會讓局勢變得更復雜。
Taurus If someone said something you disagree with, you have to speak up. The person might assume you agree unless you say something. Don’t act in a condescending way towards others. This will only make the dynamic more difficult to deal with. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 這一周你可能會感覺自己好像是一個交響樂團的指揮一般,你能理解各種不同的想法,但同時仍然保持自己的觀點。如此這般便能譜出一套出色的樂曲。
Gemini You may feel like the conductor of a symphony. You’re able to understand and follow all different harmonies and melodic lines while keeping your own steady beat running through your head. The music you make with others will be magical. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 如果本周必需要與別人辯論,千萬不要退縮。你敏銳的觀察力會讓你更勝一籌,你了解別人下一步會做什麼。
Cancer If you have a chance to debate with others, don’t back down. You know exactly what other people are thinking and where their arguments are going. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 有時,你一旦開始說起某個話題,就會滔滔不絕起來。但是可能你旁邊的人也想發表一下他們的意見,所以給他們一個說話的機會。
Leo Once you start talking about a certain topic, it’s hard to stop, especially if the topic is about you or one of your activities. But sometimes other people also want to share their opinion, so give them a chance. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 最近你可能會想很多,不要給自己施加太多壓力。放鬆一下,你的思路也許會變得清晰起來。
Virgo Your mental activity is more pronounced than usual, but don’t stress yourself too much. Your thoughts will be much clearer if you take time to slow down and meditate. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 本周可能會有許多新的想法在你腦中出現,而現在你需要收集下數據並且做些歸類。是時候開始新的冒險了。
Libra Your ideas will be intriguing this week. You will feel like a kid in a candy store seeing new treats for the first time. Collect the data now and sort through it later. It’s time for adventure. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 本周你很快就能掌握各種信息。別人可能才說了幾句話你就知道了他要表達的意思。不過有時候這樣的心思縝密的性格有時可能也會讓你變得有些多疑。
Scorpio You will be able to pick up information quickly this week. Someone only needs to explain to you once for you to grasp the concept. However, at the same time, you will be too sensitive to the information around you. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 對於每件事情,你都有自己獨特的觀點。不要讓他人說服你接受那些你不贊成的觀點。不要害怕表達自己的觀點。獨立思考對你來說是很重要的。
Sagittarius You have to know that you own your thoughts. People will try to convince you to think in a certain way. Don’t let others force you to accept something you disagree with. Don’t be afraid of expressing what you think. Independence is important to you. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 人們總是對他人犯得錯誤很敏感,但很少有人會主動指出自己的錯誤。而你的正直感會讓主動承認自己的錯誤。這樣的性格會為你帶來許多有利的因素。
Capricorn People are often quick to point out when others make mistakes, but it’s the rare for individual to point out their own mistakes. Demonstrate that you’re strong enough to admit when you’ve done something wrong. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 你可能覺得現在你需要急切的讓自己一頭栽入某個工作中去,但是你要記住,不要同時開始太多的工作,否則你可能發現自己根本沒辦法做完。
Aquarius You may feel a great urge to dive into a project. Be careful that you don’t start too many different projects and leave them all unfinished. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 本周你與他人的溝通十分順暢。平時,你往往會顧及他人的想法,很多話都不說。但最近如果有想說的話,你不會憋在心裡。
Pisces The connection between your thoughts and words is strong this week, and communication with others goes really well. If there’s something important to be said, you won’t hesitate to say it, unlike your usual tendency to hide your true feelings. |