牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 本周會有一項你和你朋友嘗試很久的目標可能會比你預期的更快達到。這可能對你而言是個大突破。快去和朋友慶祝一番吧。
Aries This week, a goal that you and yours friends have been trying to reach may take a sudden turn and show signs of manifesting sooner than you expected. This could be a real break for you. Go celebrate. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 本周你可能會完成手頭上的任務,另外也有可能獲得一個名利雙收的機會。這也會讓你有衝勁去完成更多任務。
Taurus You’ll be able to finish your work. You will also have an opportunity to win fame and fortune. This will boost your enthusiasm and self-esteem, which should enable you to continue pushing ahead. Enjoy your fame and then aim higher. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 現在的你思維敏銳,充滿了好奇心。你可能會有強烈的願望想去學習些新的東西。而本周可能會發生一些能指引你方向的事件。
Gemini Your desire to advance your education and learn new skills will be promoted by a sudden event that guides you to a right direction. Your mind is sharp and curiosity is high. The opportunity to learn will appear. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 本周你可能會有一份好運氣得到一筆額外的錢財,可能是意想不到的獎金也可能會是一份禮物。心血來潮的話就把它全部花光,那是你應得的。
Cancer An unusual stroke of luck will bring some extra money your way this week. It can be an unexpected bonus, a sale of some kind, or a gift. You can spend it all at once because you deserve the reward. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 一個意想不到的社交活動邀請可能會讓你有機會認識更多人。這些人可能會成為你的朋友或者成為你在商業上的伙伴。所以,如果你有收到邀請,千萬別拒絕。
Leo An unexpected invitation to a social event will put you in touch with fascinating people who may become your friends and business partners. So if you receive any invitation, don’t turn it down. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 本周你可以感覺到世界終於準備傾聽你的想法了,是時候將你的才華和天賦展現給大家。
Virgo This week, you will have a strong feeling that this world is finally ready to hear your message. It’s the right time for you to show your unique talent and gift. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 其中一位朋友可能會建議你去參與他們的一個新的活動,這可能是你從來沒有接觸過的領域。你可能會有些懷疑,不過最後一切都會表明這值得你去做。
Libra A friend may invite you to participate in a new event together. This event may be something you’ve never done before. You probably will doubt at first, but all signs will say it will be worth it in the end. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 家裡的某位親戚可能會有一個好消息宣布,你在為他高興的同時可能也有一絲羨慕和嫉妒。別為此感到驚訝,畢竟你也是個凡人。
Scorpio You will hear good news from a family member. This is likely to affect the entire family in some way, so while you’re happy for your relative, be glad for yourself, too. Don’t be surprised if you feel envy or jealous. You’re a human being after all. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 這一周你可能會遇到一個新鄰居或朋友與你分享他的興趣愛好,或者在網路上認識了一群志同道合的朋友。這也會為你的社交生活開闢新的方向。
Sagittarius You probably will meet some new neighbors who can share your interests. You may also meet some like-minded people online. This will open new territory for you regarding your intellectual and social lives. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 本周你會發現自己也具有冒險性格的一面。現在可以嘗試一下去培養些新的喜好,甚至可以嘗試些極限運動。此外,此刻對處理新計劃來說也是一個不錯的時機。
Capricorn Your adventurous side will show itself. You may have an opportunity for an activity that you’ve never considered before. This is a good time to deal with new projects of any kind. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 這個星期你可能會有一個意想不到的突破。可能會開始過自己真正喜歡的生活。而朋友們可能在這其中扮演非常重要的角色。
Aquarius An unexpected break probably will come to you so you will be in the right direction you’ve wanted to follow. Friends will also play a major role in this process. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你的想象力總是很豐富,但是本周尤甚。你可能對新的計劃產生各式各樣的想法。所以把它們記錄下來,以防你會忘記。
Pisces Your imagination is always fertile, but this week it’s especially productive. You probably will come up with ideas for all kinds of new plans. Make sure you write down some of your ideas so you can go back to them later. |