牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 別表現的太急躁。如果你不夠仔細,你可能會誤解一些訊息,這也會擾亂你的生活。所以在做最終的決定前,你需要好好的做些檢查。
Aries Don’t act too hastily. You are likely to get a big dose of misinformation that will foul up the rest of your day if you are not careful. Check your sources two or three times before you make a final decision on anything.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你可能會和某些家庭成員之間產生摩擦,特別是女性家庭成員。別輕易的和別人發生爭吵,你可以試著重新裝飾下自己的家,或者燒一頓好菜,這麼做也會讓你的心情變得好一些的。
Taurus Friction with family members, particularly women, could prove irritating. This isn’t the time to hold grudges. You might feel the urge to do some home repairs, redecorate, or perhaps cook a great meal. You’ll be glad you did.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 為了能在工作上取得進步,現在你需要變得更有進取心。雖然你平時不是一個特別自信的人,但是你應該意識到,自信一點,這也會讓你的工作變得更高效。
Gemini In order to get ahead in the workplace, you will have to be more aggressive than usual. Assertive tactics may not be your style, but they certainly are effective.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 新的機遇可能會讓你有機會在財政方面得到增收。過去你的一些創新的做法也已經吸引了權威人士的注意,所以你也很有可能能收獲勞動的果實。
Cancer New opportunities may give you a chance to increase your financial standing and expand yourself professionally. Innovations that you’ve produced in the past have attracted the attention of those in positions of authority, and the fruits of your labor may manifest now.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 當朋友們需要你幫助的時候,你可以向他們伸出援手。在這段時間裡,你和其他人的關係也會更進一步。這樣的人際關係在日後也會對你有很大的幫助。
Leo Friends may want to pitch in and help you with a project, or you could lend a hand to someone else. Strong bonds with others could be forged at this time, which might lead to firm and lasting friendships in the future.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期你可能覺得在職場上自己正處於一個很尷尬的位置。你的老闆和你的同事們的意見截然不同,而你則被夾在了中間。
Virgo You will be caught in a tough spot in the workplace — stuck in the middle between two sets of people who think they’re right: your superiors and your co-workers. It seems that the person in charge isn’t paying attention to anyone else.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 在工作上,你可能會遇到一個特別愛炫耀的人。他可能有些過於自負。你要想辦法不受到他的干擾,多將注意力集中在自己的工作上吧。
Libra Someone in your workplace is being a show-off. He or she is over-confident and is using this arrogance to boss others around and call the shots. Your best strategy is to avoid this person’s influence. Focus on yourself and your own job.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 職場上的氣氛可能會變得有些緊張,可能會有一場大戰將蓄勢待發,但對此你也毫無辦法。現在你能做的就是時刻保持警惕,觀察下周圍的局勢。
Scorpio Events in the workplace are likely to be quite explosive. A war of some sort is brewing and there is no way that you can avoid it. Most likely, you will find yourself right in the firing line. Keep your eye on the big picture at all times.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 你最好別輕易插手些自己並不太了解詳情的事情。雖然周圍可能暗潮湧動,但現在你不應該亂管閒事,做好自己就夠了。
Sagittarius Don’t poke your nose into a situation that you know nothing about. Changes are being made in the workplace and tension is likely to mount. Don’t add to this tension by snooping around looking for answers to questions that are not yours to ask.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 這個星期你會特別自信,特別有力量。這會幫助你克服許多困難,創造佳績。這是一個強勢出擊的好時機,你有精力可以完成。
Capricorn The incredible strength and confidence you have this week is remarkable. You have the ability to move mountains thanks to the wonderfully good energy that is coming your way. This is the time to strike out on your own. You have the power to do so.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 別告訴你的上司,該怎麼樣做好的他的工作。如果你這麼做了,你很有可能為自己的職業生涯埋下了隱患。
Aquarius Don’t tell your boss how to do his or her job. The backlash that would come could be quite detrimental to the future of your employment at your current workplace.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 憤怒的情緒彌漫在整個職場上,而現在你是你發揮自己善於交際的本領的時候了。你要相信自己能很好的緩解各方的矛盾。
Pisces Anger will spring up all around in the workplace and you will be called on to sort out the broken pieces. Trust that you can indeed bring peace to an extremely volatile situation.
