牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 你的身邊會有股強大的力量,而且周圍的人可能會完全沒有察覺到。所以你要好好的利用這一點。現在是時候制定些計劃了。
Aries You have a strong reservoir of power built up within you. Others may not see this, and you can use their naiveté to your advantage. Now is a time to strategize.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你是個很積極的人,但是這個星期你可能會有些失望。周圍的人可能會不太理解你的需求。你可能會過的有些累。
Taurus You’re a very active person, but this week you’ll probably be disappointed. If you ask those around you to help with your activities, they most likely won’t understand your needs. They’ll wonder why you need to move constantly and why you need to create.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 雖然本周並沒有什麼大事發生,可是你仍然會覺得有些緊張。放輕鬆,你可以好好利用這個星期多思考下自己的生活。
Gemini Nothing much is happening this week, yet you seem worried and tense. You’ll have to use this week to your advantage. Think about your life. You’ll also think about the needs of your relatives in the years to come and how to attain those goals.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 消息越來越多,但是你反而開始疑惑,自己該選擇哪條道路。不妨去找人商量一下。去向有經驗的人討教些經驗吧。
Cancer As more and more information comes your way, you are likely to get confused with regard to which path to take. Don’t be afraid to seek council. Look for advice from someone who is older and more experienced than you are.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 現在你的處境可能會讓你感覺很不舒服。你感覺自己已經失去了自我。現在你應該繼續前行,快點走出泥潭。
Leo You have created a situation for yourself that you don’t feel completely comfortable in. Somewhere along the way, you lost connection to your true self and your true purpose. Don’t stay in this difficult position. It is time for you to move on.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期你可能會花很多時間去思考自己的人生以及你的人際關係。而現在,你也能做出些可能會改變你人生的決定。所以好好把握機會。
Virgo You’ll be lost in your thoughts this week, analyzing your life and relationships. You’ll be asking yourself if your existence is meeting your standards. You will ponder what to expect from the future and from the people around you. You’re in the right frame of mind to make a few life-changing decisions.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 現在你頭腦清晰,所以你不妨好好評估下自己計劃中的好的一面和不好的一面,然後再做出決定。
Libra You are at a decision point — a crossroads. Right now your thinking is practical and critical. You are able to see the bumps in the road. This is a good time for you to weigh the pros and cons of your upcoming decision. Your thinking is clear.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 通常你是個很喜歡為他人提出建議的人,但是,這次你可能會需要其他人來為你提出建議。你需要別人的意見來幫助你理清自己的頭緒。
Scorpio You enjoy caring for others and you intervene regularly in their lives to guide them. Ironically, this time you’re the one who needs advice. You’ll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clear view of your own life.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 在現代生活中,我們往往都要做出些妥協。我們可能有一個很深的信仰,但是這個信仰很難與社會生活結合。試著在自己的理想和現實中找到一個平衡點。
Sagittarius We all have to make compromises in order to live in contemporary society. You may have strong beliefs, but it’s difficult to combine your ideals and a social life. You should try to find a compromise between life and your ideals.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你越來越能有一個清晰的看法。和朋友或者愛人的交談會讓你更好的看清你的處境。在採取下一步之前,一定要搞清現在的局勢。
Capricorn You are getting a clear sense ahead. A conversation with a friend or loved one is making you see the reality of your situation. Listen to this person and be sure you fully understand your situation before you proceed with your career.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 你的想法很開明,所以你也能適應各種不同的場景。這個星期你可能會需要去調停兩種截然不同的想法。
Aquarius Unlike these people, you’re very open-minded and you can deal with situations as they arise. Indeed, you have a natural ability to adapt to every situation. This week you’ll probably have to arbitrate between two people with widely differing opinions.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 雖然這個星期你的心情可能會有些急躁,不過這也是一個分析你現在境況的好時機。把握機會。
Pisces This week you’ll be submerged under a lot of emotions. In a way, you’ll be revisiting your childhood. You may be very edgy. This is a good disposition in which to analyze your life. You’ll be able to see if everything around you is where you
