牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 周圍的人可能開始了新的計劃,這讓你覺得自己也必須要做些什麼。但是,生活不是為了去和他人比賽,你只需要做好自己。
Aries Everyone around you may be taking the initiative to start something new, and you get the feeling that you want to join the cause. Life isn’t a popularity contest or race to the finish line. Take your time.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 這星期你可能會覺得自己應該著手開始一個新的項目,別忽視了這樣的想法。也許你會幹出一番大事業。
Taurus You are feeling a deep restlessness that is associated with your need to start something new. Don’t suppress this feeling. You are on to something big.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 如果你覺得自己某方面的能力不夠,不如把相應的工作交給其他人來做吧。你不需要什麼事都自己來。你這樣的讓賢之舉會獲得別人的尊重。
Gemini Turn one part of the project over to someone you feel is more qualified to handle it. There’s no sense trying to do everything yourself when you know someone out there is better suited to the task. You’ll gain more respect by delegating than by trying to muddle through.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 你會和其他人組隊工作,而且你很有可能會和他們分享你的經驗。之前你可能只是在完成自己的工作,但是現在你需要學會團隊合作。
Cancer You will team up with other independent workers and share your experiences. You have each been working on your own separate projects, but now you need to share your progress with each other and present what you have learned and developed.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 = 現在你的態度又變得積極起來。你也學會了從另一個角度來思考問題。這會幫助你變得更客觀得來看待問題,對工作也有很多積極的意義。
Leo Your mood shifts and you are suddenly becoming quite positive. You are able to see the opposing side of any issue you come in contact with, and this is helping you to broaden your overall perspective. Take this feeling with you when you head to work.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 由於你之前已經做了充分的準備,現在事情的進展就變得很順利了。趕緊趁熱打鐵,一鼓作氣把工作做完吧。
Virgo Things should come together nicely as long as you’ve done the necessary prep work to make it successful. The burners are hot and it’s time to add the ingredients. If you’ve done the preliminaries, the next step will be easy.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 不管你是不是在工作,這個星期你都會收獲頗多。你會收獲許多有用的訊息,這也會給你的工作帶來成功。
Libra Whether you are at work or not, this will be a very productive week for you. You will be able to gather resources and information together in a very efficient way, creating a recipe for great success. Apply this recipe to whatever you are doing.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 不管你這個星期是不是要去工作,你都會覺得自己有很大的壓力。如果是在工作,那麼你可能會有某個工作需要馬上完成。
Scorpio Whether you are at work or not, you will feel a tremendous pressure to get certain tasks accomplished. If you are at home, attend to household jobs that you have wanted to get to for weeks.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 你可能並不是一個時尚的人,所以可能會被人貼上老古董的標簽。你沒有必要為此感到傷心,有時候堅持傳統反而會讓你變得更有效。
Sagittarius Just because your current style is a little bit outdated, others are accusing you of doing something the “old-fashioned way”. This is nothing to be ashamed of. Sticking to traditional methods will actually prove to be most effective.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你對未來工作的恐懼會破壞你本來挺好的心情,不要讓自己陷入這樣的情緒裡,不要擔心自己的將來,就算那天真的來了,你也要勇敢的去面對。
Capricorn Your constant apprehension regarding the workweek ahead is spoiling your enjoyment of the present moment. Don’t get caught in this difficult position. There is no sense in worrying about tomorrow. Let it come, and be fearless when it does.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 別老是等著別人給你安排工作,自己的命運要自己把握。這星期你的注意力會尤其集中,不要讓別人的批評來影響你的心情。
Aquarius Devising your own plan is key instead of waiting or hoping for others to make your plan for you. Your powers of concentration will be strong, although others may try to throw you off balance with their criticism. Don’t let them.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你可以利用這星期來調整下自己對於工作的態度。現在對你而言是到了對接下來的工作進行規劃的時候了。
Pisces Use this week to modify your overall attitude about your work. Whether you are actually at work or not doesn’t really matter. Just realize that it is time to have a new outlook on your time spent on the job. Be grateful.
