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時間:星期一、三、五至日 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. / 星期四 10 p.m. – 9 p.m. / 星期二休息


這些「造人景觀」與原始自然之美相差甚遠,而原始自然之美一直是現代攝影師最喜愛的主題。 「新拓撲圖」相對不起眼的圖像 – 包括作為展覽中的攝影師而聞名 – 概述了新的主題以及新的美學。總而言之,他們對不斷擴大的住房發展蔓延以及這種無節制增長的社會和環境影響提出了疑問。

New Topographics

When: June 30- Dec 30
Time: Mon, Wed, Fri- Sun 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Thurs 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. / Tue Closed
Where: Seattle Art Museum

In 1975, the George Eastman House in Rochester, New York, featured the work of ten contemporary photographers in an exhibition titled New Topographics, which became an important milestone in photographic history. The subtitle of the exhibition was “photographs of a man-altered landscape” and the images, most of them in black and white, captured distinctly unheroic vistas. The subjects were primarily new housing developments in various stages of completion, indicators of development from newly-laid roads to mounds of dirt.

These “man-altered landscapes” were a far cry from the celebration of pristine natural beauty which had been a favorite subject of modern photographers. The comparably nondescript images of the New Topographics—as the photographers included in the exhibition came to be known—outlined a new subject as well as a new aesthetic. Taken together, they posed questions about the ever-expanding sprawl of housing developments and the social and environmental implications of this unchecked growth.

【音樂劇 Musical 】



《紫色姐妹花》是2016年托尼獎最佳音樂復興獎得主! 被好萊塢報導譽為「直接擊中心臟」,這部令人高興的美國經典電影以一種全新又「令人難以置信的製作方式征服了百老匯」(紐約時報)。憑藉爵士樂,福音,拉格泰姆和布魯斯的靈魂音樂,《紫色姐妹花》為這部普利策獎的故事帶來了令人振奮的新靈魂。這個令人驚嘆的重新想像故事是關於一個年輕女子在美國南部的愛與勝利之旅。 紐約雜誌形容其音樂感覺為「有史以來最偉大的複興之一」。

The Color Purple

When: June 27- July 1
Where: The Paramount Theatre

The Color Purple is the 2016 Tony Award winner for Best Musical Revival! Hailed as “a direct hit to the heart” (The Hollywood Reporter), this joyous American classic has conquered Broadway in an all-new “ravishingly reconceived production that is a glory to behold” (The New York Times) directed by Tony winner John Doyle.

With a soul-raising score of jazz, gospel, ragtime and blues, The Color Purple gives an exhilarating new spirit to this Pulitzer Prize-winning story. This stunning re-imagining of an epic story follows a young woman’s journey to love and triumph in the American South. the musical sensation that New York Magazine calls “one of the greatest revivals ever.”

【音樂節 Music Festival】

BECU 動物音樂節

時間:大門在下午4點30分開放。 音樂會於5:30至6:00之間開始。

由卡特斯巴魯贊助的BECU ZooTunes 給西雅圖帶來另一個令人興奮的夏天回歸音樂會,而且2018年ZooTunes夏季系列音樂會的陣容鼎盛。今次BECU ZooTunes音樂會的收入將會用來支持動物園的示範性動物護理計劃,太平洋西北部和全球的野生動物保護項目,以及激勵和鼓勵客人站出來參與野生動物的非凡體驗。音樂會將在人氣極高的又風景如畫的北草地森林公園動物園舉行。

BECU ZooTunes

When: June 22- Sept 9
Time: Gates open at 4:30 p.m. Concerts begin between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m.
Where: Woodland Park Zoo

BECU ZooTunes presented by Carter Subaru returns with another exciting
summer of concerts. Rounding out the exciting lineup of shows previously
announced, the 2018 ZooTunes summer concert series is pleased to share
the final artists for this year’s concert series. BECU ZooTunes supports the zoo’s exemplary animal care program, wildlife conservation projects in the Pacific Northwest and around the world, and extraordinary experiences that inspire and empower guests to stand up for wildlife. The popular concerts are held outdoors on the vast, picturesque North Meadow of Woodland Park Zoo.

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