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(本報訊)周二(16日),西雅圖市長當選人布魯斯·哈雷爾(Bruce Harrell)宣布了他的過渡團隊成員和團隊的整體結構。過渡工作將圍繞 12 個專題並建立了一個委員會,由美國前內政部長薩莉·朱厄爾(Sally Jewell)、非營利機構「平等機會學校」(Equal Opportunity Schools)臨時首席執行官埃迪·林肯(Eddie Lincoln)、Uwajimaya 總裁兼首席執行官 Denise Moriguchi 和 Sea Mar社區健康中心創始人兼首席執行官羅傑里奧·里奧哈斯(Rogelio Riojas)帶領,以及 23 名聯合團隊負責人和近 150 名全體成員組成。

當選市長哈雷爾說︰「我們正在建立一支獨一無二、多元化、經驗豐富且充滿活力和專業知識的團隊,以確保我們的行政管理工作能順利開展。有了這個過渡團隊,我們就有機會周密地制定急切且具有前瞻性的議程,以恢復我們的城市並推動西雅圖向前發展。我期待在我上任第 100 天和一年的議程中,在讓西雅圖居民重建對市政府的信任,以及規劃西雅圖的未來時,採納該團隊的意見和建議並將其付諸行動。」

哈雷爾表示會兌現他的承諾,即以進步和共同價值觀為中心並將西雅圖再次團結起來。他組建了一支由當地公民、企業、保育、青年倡導、慈善、勞工和社區領袖組成的強大而全面的團隊,以制定和確定他的議程。分成 12 個特定問題小組,近 150 名成員組成了西雅圖歷史上種族和意識形態最多樣化的市長過渡團隊。在接下來的兩個月內,每個小組將舉行幾次會議,討論和確定新政府的優先事項和重點。

這 12 個小組圍繞以下重點領域組織起來:藝術、文化和夜生活;氣候與環境;教育和青年;政府運作;住房和無家可歸者;勞工和勞動力;慈善事業;公共衛生;安全與司法;小型和本地企業;交通和土地使用,以及體育和指導。

來自每個小組的團隊領導將作為由朱厄爾、林肯、Moriguchi 和里奧哈斯領導的委員會開會,確定共同的優先事項、重疊的政策目標和相互關聯的機會;考慮建議;並為當選市長制定框架。




Moriguchi 表示:「在我們努力擺脫大流行的過程中,西雅圖的小企業和工薪家庭的觀點,對於制度確保經濟復甦和未來增長的計劃是不可或缺的。我期待擔任過渡委員會的主席,並與團隊和當選市長合作,為西雅圖市作為創造就業機會的主要合作夥伴奠定基礎、支持新興企業和發展中的企業,並為員工提供成功和蓬勃發展所需的支持。」




過渡委員會主席(Transition Team Chairs)︰

Sally Jewell, Former United States Secretary of the Interior

Eddie Lincoln, Interim CEO, Equal Opportunity Schools

Denise Moriguchi, President and CEO, Uwajimaya

Rogelio Riojas, Founder and CEO, Sea Mar

藝術、文化和夜生活(Arts, Culture, and Nightlife)

Kate Becker, Creative Economy & Recovery Director, King County

Sung Yang, Former Deputy Executive, King County

Royal Alley-Barnes, Interim Director, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture

Manny Cawaling, CEO, Inspire Washington

Duff McKagan, Musician

Dr. Quentin Morris, Musician and Associate Professor, Seattle University

Constance Rice, Civic Leader

氣候與環境(Climate and Environment)

Jessyn Farrell, Former State Representative

Ken Lederman, Environmental Attorney; Washington Conservation Voters Board

Joanna Grist, Environmental Advocate

Jessica Finn Coven, Former Director, Seattle Office of Sustainability and Environment 

Sally Jewell, Former United States Secretary of the Interior

Joyce Kelly, Former Executive Staff, Region 10 EPA

Hamdi Mohamed, Port Commissioner-Elect

Eric Salathé, Associate Professor and Climate Scientist, University of Washington

Paula Sardinas, Consultant

Clifford Traisman, Environmental Advocate

教育和青年(Education and Youth)

Alexes Harris, Professor of Sociology, University of Washington

Eddie Lincoln, Interim CEO, Equal Opportunity Schools

Janie White, Vice President, Washington Education Association

Sally Clark, Former City Councilmember, City of Seattle

Tracy Flynn, School Inclusion Consultant

Brandon Hersey, School Board Member, Seattle School Board

Dr. Brent Jones, Superintendent, Seattle Public Schools

Dr. Shouan Pan, Chancellor, Seattle Colleges

Margaret Shepherd, University of Washington Administration 

Vivian Song Maritz, School Board Member-Elect, Seattle School Board

Sharon Tomiko Santos, State Representative

政府運作(Government Operations)

Tim Ceis, Former Deputy Mayor, City of Seattle

Hyeok Kim, Former Deputy Mayor, City of Seattle

Mike Fong, Former Deputy Mayor, City of Seattle

Calvin Goings, Director, City of Seattle Finance and Administrative Services

Kimberly Loving, Director, City of Seattle Department of Human Resources

Robert Nellams, Director, Seattle Center

George Northcroft, Retired Regional Administrator, US General Services Administration

住房和無家可歸者(Housing and Homelessness)

Marco Lowe, Housing and Education Leader

Nicole Macri, State Representative

Marc Dones, CEO, Regional Homelessness Authority

Angela Dunleavy, CEO, Farestart

Leo Flor, Director, King County Department of Community and Human Services

Lindsey Grad, SEIU 1199NW

Paul Lambros, CEO, Plymouth Housing

Patience Malaba, Director of Government Relations and Policy, Housing Development Consortium

Daniel Malone, Executive Director, Downtown Emergency Service Center

Barb Oliver, Director of Operations, Sound Foundations NW

George Scarola, Former Director of Homelessness, City of Seattle

Leslie Smith, Vulcan

Anthony Wright, Chief Operating Officer, Pioneer Human Services

勞工和勞動力(Labor and Workforce)

Katie Garrow, King County Labor Council

Kenny Stuart, IAFF 27

Monty Anderson, Seattle-King County Building Trades

Marsha Botzer, Pride at Work

Karen Estevenin, Protec17

Samantha Grad, UFCW 21

Zenia Javalera, SEIU 6

Steve Kovac, IBEW Local 77

Chris Lampkin, SEIU 1199NW

David Rolf, SEIU 725 (former)

John Searcey, Teamsters 117

Mark Watson, Washington State Council of County and City Employees


Katherine Cheng, Sustainability, Social Impact, and Philanthropy Leader

Andi Smith, Executive Director, Ballmer Group 

Connie Ballmer, Co-Founder, Ballmer Group

David Bley, CEO, Seattle Foundation

Gordon McHenry, President and CEO, United Way King County

Darrell Powell, Chief Finance Officer, YMCA of Greater Seattle

Dennis Quirin, Executive Director, Raikes Foundation

Alice Shobe, Global Director, Amazon in the Community

Neal Myrick, Vice President Social Impact, Tableau (Salesforce)

公共衛生(Public Health)

Rogelio Riojas, Founder and CEO, Sea Mar

Dr. Ben Danielson, UW Medicine

David Frockt, State Senator

Libby Gates-McPhee, Behavioral Health Leader

Hilary Godwin, Dean, University of Washington School of Public Health

Sterling Harders, SEIU 775

Teresa Mosqueda, City Councilmember, City of Seattle

Dr. Paul Ramsey, CEO, UW Medicine

Mary Ellen Stone, Executive Director, King County Sexual Assault Resource Center

Fred Swanson, Executive Director, Gay City

Dennis Worsham, Interim Director, Public Health – Seattle & King County

安全與司法(Safety and Justice)

Kim Bogucki, Seattle PD Detective and Co-Founder, The IF Project

Hon. Bonnie Glenn

Monica Alexander, Interim Executive Director, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center

DeVitta Briscoe, Executive Director, Not This Time

Tim Burgess, Former Mayor and City Councilmember, City of Seattle

Mo Classen, Former Prosecutor, King County

Gabe Galanda, Attorney

Erin Goodman, SODO BIA

Darrah Hinton, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, King County

Renée Hopkins, Alliance for Gun Responsibility

Aleksa Manila, Drag Queen and Behavioral Health Counselor

David Perez, Attorney

Harold Scoggins, Fire Chief, Seattle Fire Department

小型和本地企業(Small and Local Business)

Ollie Garrett, President and CEO, Tabor 100

Rachel Smith, CEO, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

Rita Brogan, Founder, PRR

Louise Chernin, Former President and CEO, GSBA

Joe Fugere, Small Business Owner, Tutta Bella

Shelley Gaddie, Founder and President, ProjectCorps

Taylor Hoang, Amazon

Carmen Mayo, President, The Links Seattle

Nate Miles, Civic and Business Leader

Denise Moriguchi, President and CEO, Uwajimaya

Linda Di Lello Morton, Small Business Owner, Terra Plata

Tom Norwalk, Visit Seattle

Kylie Rolf, Downtown Seattle Association

Peter Schrappen, Northwest Marine Trade Association

Brad Silverberg, Business Leader

Barb Wilson, Microsoft

交通和土地使用(Transportation and Land Use)

Genesee Adkins, WSP

Rob Johnson, Former City Councilmember, City of Seattle

Derrick Belgarde, Executive Director, Chief Seattle Club

Adiam Emery, Division Director, Seattle Department of Transportation

Chris Gregorich, Seattle Department of Transportation

Ada Healey, Vulcan

Ben Maritz, Housing Leader

Chris Thomas, Lyft

Javier Valdez, State Representative

Terry White, General Manager, King County Metro

James Wong, CEO, Vibrant Cities

體育和指導(Sports and Mentorship)

Gerald Hankerson, President, Alaska, Oregon and Washington State Area Conference of the NAACP

Dawn Trudeau, Seattle Storm

Laurie Black, President and CEO, Boys and Girls Clubs of King County

Beth Knox, President, Seattle Sports Commission

Peter Lukevich, Attorney and Sports Field Advocate

Maya Mendoza-Extrom, Seattle Sounders FC

Eric Pettigrew, Former State Representative

Fred Rivera, Seattle Mariners

Wally Walker, Former Player and Executive, Seattle SuperSonics

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