【看展覽 Exhibition 】
時間:星期一至六 9:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. / 星期日 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Charlie Barr是一位西北風景畫家,在畫板上使用丙烯酸和水泥混合出來的獨特顏料。 這些當代風景畫是為了帶動情緒或喚起情感,並且經常給觀眾留下一種回憶和刺激感。在今年的展覽中,巴爾將介紹一些新的作品,其中的人物成為主題,為他的風景增添了更柔和和人性化的視角。 巴爾的作品融合了傳統的帆布和擔架桿形狀並配上在木材上使用水泥木皮。 無論是風景還是比喻,他的風格偏向開放式佈局。 他喜歡讓他的主題不超過繪畫表面的三分之一。 多年來,巴爾一直專研油畫。 隨著他的風格的發展,很明顯快乾的丙烯酸樹脂更適合他的新作品。
Charlie Barr “New Works”
When: June 13- July 7
Time: Mon – Sat 9:30 a.m. – 8 p.m. / Sundays 12 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Where: Bellevue Gallery
Info: www.gunnarnordstrom.com
Charlie Barr is a Northwest landscape artist working with a unique mixed media blend of acrylic and cement on panel. These contemporary landscape paintings are meant to set a mood or evoke emotion and often leave the viewer with a sense of remembrance and stimulated senses.
In this year’s exhibit, Barr will introduce a few works where figures become the subject matter adding a much softer and human perspective to his landscapes. Barr’s work incorporates a unique blending of the traditional canvas and stretcher bar form factor with the use of cement veneer over wood. Whether landscape or figurative, Barr is drawn to more of an open layout. He likes to have his subject matter take no more than a third of the surface of the painting. For years Barr worked with oil on canvas. As his style evolved it became clear that fast drying acrylics were a better fit for his new paintings.
【舞台劇 Stage Play】
時間:2 p.m./ 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
地點:ACT Theatre
獲獎的劇作家,表演者和普利策獎 (Pulitzer Prize) 得獎者Dael Orlandersmith的最新作品著重於在密蘇里州弗格森致命的警察槍殺無武器的黑人少年邁克爾布朗之後的社會動盪。劇作家製作了一部關於聖路易斯地區八位複合角色的單人劇,從各種角度審視種族和社會動盪問題。這場獨角戲將引起一連串與自己內心的對話,包括:過去的我、現在的我和將來的我。《在洪水之前》的幾場表演將會有演出前後的觀眾參與活動,該活動將以社區響應者為特色並進行簡化討論。這些活動都是免費的,為求與一眾展開關於種族的談話。
Until The Flood
When: June 8- July 8
Time: 2 p.m./ 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
Where: ACT Theatre
Info: http://www.acttheatre.org/
The latest work by award winning playwright, performer and Pulitzer Prize finalist Dael Orlandersmith focuses on the social unrest following the fatal police shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The playwright crafted a one-act drama that focuses on eight composite characters from the St. Louis region, examining the issues of race and social unrest from a variety of perspectives. Orlandersmith’s drama is even-keeled and balanced in its approach to the nation’s festering problem of race relations that goes back 400 years. This one-woman show is certain to generate conversations about who we’ve been, who we are and who we will become. Several performances of Until The Flood will include audience engagement events before or after the show which will feature community responders and a facilitated discussion. These events are free and will enrich the experience of this production, and keep the much-needed conversation about race going.
【漫畫展 Comic Con】
時間:星期五 4 p.m. – 9p.m. / 星期六 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. / 星期日 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
地點:WaMu Theater & CenturyLink Field Event Center
全球熱門復仇者電影明星Chris Evans(美國隊長),Chris Hemsworth(雷神)和Tom Hiddleston(洛基)即將來到西雅圖的英雄漫畫展!ACE Comic Cons由ACE Universe公司製作,這是一家代表超級英雄世代之聲的多媒體和體驗活動公司。 由兄弟Gareb和Stephen Shamus創建,他們擁有超過20年和175場動漫節目的經驗,ACE重新定義了整個Comic Con行業。 今次在西雅圖舉行的英雄漫畫展是已成功的ACE Comic Con品牌的一部分。 其活動以Gal Gadot(神奇女俠),Henry Cavill(超人),Tom Holland(蜘蛛俠),Jason Momoa(水行俠),Stan Lee(漫威)等全球偶像為特色。
ACE Comic Con
When: June 22-24
Time: Friday 4 p.m. – 9p.m. / Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. / Sunday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Where: WaMu Theater & CenturyLink Field Event Center
Info: http://www.aceuniverse.com/events/seattle.html/
Chris Evans (Captain America), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), and Tom Hiddleston (Loki), stars of the worldwide hit Avengers film franchise, are headlining ACE Comic Con Seattle, June 22-23-24 at the WaMu Theater & CenturyLink Field Event Center. ACE Comic Cons are produced by ACE Universe, a multimedia and experiential events company representing the Voice of The Superhero Generation. Created by brothers Gareb and Stephen Shamus, who have over 20 years of experience and 175 Comic Con shows under their belts, ACE is redefining the entire Comic Con industry and business. ACE Comic Con Seattle is the next installment of the already successful ACE Comic Con brand. Prior events featured such global icons as Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Henry Cavill (Superman), Tom Holland (Spider-Man), Jason Momoa (Aquaman), Stan Lee (Marvel), and many more.