【音樂劇 Musical 】
這部音樂劇由一眾非常出色的女性創意團隊帶到舞台上,包括六次格萊美獎提名人 Sara Bareilles 為劇目創作歌曲及歌詞,她的新作品可說是令人無法抗拒地動聽;著名編劇 Jessie Nelson 撰寫劇本;Lorin Latarro 的舞蹈編排;和東尼獎得主Diane Paulus 的執導。受到艾德麗安·雪莉(Adrienne Shelly)著名電影的啟發,《女侍情緣》講述了珍娜的故事 – 一位女服務員和焗焙派的專家,她夢想著走出小鎮和無愛的婚姻。 附近一個縣的烘焙比賽和鎮上的新醫生可能會給她一個重新開始的機會,但珍娜必須鼓起重建自己生命的力量和勇氣。
When: Spet. 11 – 16
Where: The Paramount Theatre
Info: https://www.stgpresents.org
Brought to life by a groundbreaking all-female creative team, this irresistible new hit features original music and lyrics by 6-time Grammy® nominee Sara Bareilles (“Brave,” “Love Song”), a book by acclaimed screenwriter Jessie Nelson (I Am Sam), choreography by Lorin Latarro (Les Dangereuse Liasons, Waiting for Godot) and direction by Tony Award® winner Diane Paulus (Hair, Pippin, Finding Neverland). Inspired by Adrienne Shelly’s beloved film, WAITRESS tells the story of Jenna – a waitress and expert pie maker, Jenna dreams of a way out of her small town and loveless marriage. A baking contest in a nearby county and the town’s new doctor may offer her a chance at a fresh start, while her fellow waitresses offer their own recipes for happiness. But Jenna must summon the strength and courage to rebuild her own life.
【看戲劇 Drama 】
時間:2 p.m./ 7 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
地點:ACT Theatre
倫敦一個寒冷的夜晚,學校教師 Elinor Gunn 接受了她的前情人—也是成功的商人— Daniel Gerroll 的意外探訪。 隨著夜幕低垂,兩人做飯和交談,試圖重新點燃他們曾經充滿激情的關係。 這些談話是親密而富有爆炸性的,他們探討從來沒有討論過的真理,並發現自己陷入了反對意識形態和共同願望的危險之戰。這部 David Hare的東尼獎獲獎作品深入探討了人類親密關係的內在運作。
When: Sept. 7 – 30
Time: 2 p.m./ 7 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
Where: ACT Theatre
Info: https://acttheatre.org
On a bitterly cold London evening, schoolteacher Kyra Hollis (Elinor Gunn) receives an unexpected visit from her former lover, successful businessman Tom Sergeant (Daniel Gerroll). As the evening progresses, the two cook and converse in an attempt to rekindle their once passionate relationship. The conversation is intimate and explosive as they reminisce, confront truths never before addressed and find themselves locked in a dangerous battle of opposing ideologies and mutual desires. David Hare’s Tony-Award® winning play delves deep into the inner workings of conversation and human intimacy.
【嘉年華 Festival & Fair】
日期:結束於 9月23日
時間:週日 – 週四 上午10:30 – 下午9:30; 週五 – 週六上午9:30 – 晚上10:30; 星期二休息
地點:110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371
票價:一般入場費 $14; 兒童(6-12歲)$11 ; 長者(62歲以上)$11; 5歲及以下兒童免費
華盛頓州博覽會是華州每年舉辦的最大景點之一,它亦不斷躋身世界最大的博覽會之列。 華盛頓州博覽會將充滿動物,動手活動,牛仔競技表演,遊樂設施,美味的食物和飲料以及免費音樂。 超過700個供應商將會展示自己的商品,購物者發現華盛頓州博覽會是一個天堂。 無論您是在尋找自己的東西還是節日禮物,您一定會在華盛頓州博覽會上找到它。
Washington State Fair
When: Ends Sept. 23
Time: Sun – Thurs 10:30 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.; Fri – Sat 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 p.m.; Tues Closed
Where: 110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371
Ticket: General Admission $14; Child (ages 6-12) $11; Seniors (ages 62+) $11; Children 5 & under Free
Info: http://www.thefair.com
The Washington State Fair is the largest single attraction held annually in the state of Washington. The Fair continually ranks among the largest fairs in the world. The Washington State Fair will be abuzz with animals, hands-on activities, rodeo, rides, delicious food and drinks, and free music. With over 700 vendors spaces filled and stocked with must-buy goods, shoppers find the Washington State Fair to be a paradise. Whether you are looking for something for yourself or a holiday gift, you’re sure to find it at the Washington State Fair.