【美食節 Food & Drinks 】
Cowabunga是一項由4個持票品嘗活動和廚師比賽組成的系列賽事。為21歲以上的食客提供美味牛肉 (周日早午餐針對所有年紀客人)。每個品嘗活動時間不同,詳見活動網址。
海鮮品嘗:在這個活動中,客人可以享受鮮美海鮮,喝搭配飲品,以及享受現場娛樂。還有有趣的Best in Shell比賽。西雅圖最頂級的海鮮廚師都會帶著他們最拿手的牡蠣菜肴到來。
Festival of beef
When:October 5 – 7
Where: South lake union
Info: https://cowabunga.seattlemet.com/
Cowabunga is a series of four ticketed tasting events and chef competitions featuring beef at South Lake Union for age 21+ (except Sunday brunch is all ages).
A SEAFOOD SAMPLING SOIRÉE:Guests can enjoy bites, drink pairings, and live entertainment, plus our Best in Shell competition, where the city’s top seafood chefs face off with their best oyster dishes from raw to Rockefeller.
SLOW-COOKED MEATS:Come watch some of the town’s best pitmasters get low and slow with prime cuts of beef, then wash these bites down with a few superlative craft brews.
STEAK & CAKE: From live entertainment to the city’s best beef bites using world-renowned Snake River Farms American Wagyu Beef. These bites are prepared by Seattle’s all-star chefs and paired with wine and cocktails
SUNDAY BRUNCH: This year’s festivities include the new Give ‘Em Hell deviled egg competition, plus lawn games, ice cream, and entertainment for the whole family.
【看展覽 Exhibition 】
日期:10月6 和7日
信息: http://brickcon.org/
BrickCon是一個年度大會,由 成人樂高®愛好者,也稱為AFOLs或Builders舉辦。大會將於十月第一個週末連續舉辦四天(週四到周日)。邀請公眾到西雅圖中心展廳觀賞和分享我們對 樂高®的熱愛。數百名「建築工人」將會參加我們的大會,並帶來他們精心製作一年的模型。我們有成千上萬的樂高®作品,小到只有幾個部件組成,大到遠遠就可以一眼認出那些搭建出整個電影場景的令人驚歎的景作品。
BrickCon 2018
When:October 6th and 7th
Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Seattle Center Exhibition Hall
Info: http://brickcon.org/
BrickCon is an annual Convention put on by Adult LEGO® Hobbyists – also known as AFOLs or Builders. The convention lasts four days (Thursday through Sunday) the first weekend in October. They invite the Public into the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall on Saturday and Sunday to enjoy and share our love of LEGO®. They call this BrickCon Exhibition.
Hundreds of Builders attend our convention and bring models they have worked on throughout the year. They have thousands of LEGO® creations ranging from small creations with a few well-placed parts that one can immediately recognize up to huge creations with tens of thousands of parts that create entire scenes or amazing visions.
【萬聖節活動 Halloween 】
時間:10月6 至31日
夢魘9號凶宅(12歲以上): 佩服敢於前來挑戰的你,看看你是否能在9號鬼屋的噩夢中倖存!
Snohomish haunted farm
When:October 6 – 31
Where: 9010 Marsh Rd, Snohomish, WA 98296(Thomas Family Farm)
Info: https://www.thomasfamilyfarm.com/nighttime-activities
Flashlight Corn Maze (bring a flashlight):
Bring your own flashlight or use your cell phone to navigate in the dark! Stop halfway through at our Concession Stand and warm up by our fire pit. They also rent Private Fire Pits.
Nightmare on 9 Haunted House (age 12+): Dare to enter and see if you can survive The Nightmare on 9 Haunted House!
Zombie Paintball Hayride (age 6+): The home of Zombie Paintball in Snohomish County. As one of the originators of Zombie Paintball on the West Coast it has been recognized by farms all over the nation. Have a seat on our custom hayride and arm yourselves with one of the paintball guns. Save Snohomish from being overrun by Zombies!