牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 本周你會特別猶豫不決,而向別人尋求建議只會讓你更加困惑。腦內充滿了各種想法,已經讓你無法清晰思考了。
Aries You will be more dubious than ever about anything you are dealing with. Looking for advice may even confuse you more. Thoughts are going to get tangled up in your head and you will not be able to think straight. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你可能會感覺所有的好運都遠離你了。但別太擔心,幸運之神不久後還是會降臨的。而現在最好保持低調,別因為事情未按照計劃發展而沮喪。
Taurus You will feel like your lucky stars will be letting you down. But don’t worry, they will be back soon. For now, just lay low and try not to get upset or frustrated when things don’t work out as planned. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 最近可能會有意想不到的訪客需要你的安慰與支持,因此,不管你當下有多忙碌,都別拒絕他吧。先幫助他解決問題。
Gemini You will get an unexpected visitor this week. And it will be someone who really needs some comfort and support. Whether you have a huge list of things you want to get done, just take it easy. Don’t turn your friend away. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 若有些事你已經計劃了很久,那麼本周將是一個付諸實踐的絕佳機會。不過在此同時,你還是得深思什麼是你真正想要的。若能如此,身邊天使都會幫助你的,別擔心。
Cancer If you have planned something for awhile, then maybe it’s time to do it now. At the same time, you still need to think about yourself and what you want. But there is an angel watching over you, so don’t worry. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 你可能需要大量的時間獨處才能集中思考,卻能因此而成為一個能感受到別人所無感的事物的睿智者,而完成不可能的事。
Leo You are likely to require a certain amount of solitude in order to get your thoughts together. You will be able to be the positive thinker who sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 當事情沒有按照計劃發展或發生了一些不好的事,你總會覺得自己是個受害者,然而,千萬別陷入這樣的情緒裡頭。
Virgo When things are repeatedly going the wrong way, or bad things keep happening to you, it can be very easy to fall into a victim mentality. But remember, don’t fall into the “poor me” trap. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 本周你可能會混淆某些事物,所以和別人談話時應格外注意,否則日後可能會因此而遇到些許麻煩。要特別注意自己的言辭。
Libra Your thoughts will be clouded so be careful of what you tell people this week. You will be likely to get your facts mixed up, thereby getting yourself into a bit of trouble later on. Be more cautious with your words. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 巧言令色以達成目的可能會讓你遭到別人的厭惡和反抗,所以你最好對於自己的需求能坦城以對。
Scorpio Using your charm to sweet talk others into getting what you want isn’t likely to be as effective as usual. It will only make people resent and resist you. You are better off being honest about what your needs are. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 別人給你的訊息可能會摻雜著他自己的主觀想法,所以不要過於相信別人。你需要自己好好判斷一下。
Sagittarius Make sure you double-check your sources. Much of the information that comes to you will be severely tainted by the source that it comes from. Someone is biased because he or she stands to gain a great deal. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你腦中可能已經有一個成熱的熱法,但可能會有人讓你思緒變得混亂。但別去質疑自己,你要堅信自己在正確的軌道上。
Capricorn You may have a solid plan worked out in your mind, but someone else’s confused ideas are getting in the way and making you second guess your own thoughts. Don’t doubt yourself. Have faith that you are on the right track. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 整體而言,本周你的心情應該不錯,但是在和他人溝通方面可能會有問題。不要總是在問題的表面打轉,應該直攻問題的核心。
Aquarius Your overall mood will be quite good, but communication with others seems to be off. You will be dancing around the issues instead of getting to the heart of them. Instead, you should penetrate straight to the core. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 本周你的想法可能會有些不切實際,所以在付諸行動之前最好能詢求他人的意見。他們會讓你知道問題的所在。
Pisces Your thoughts will be centered more in fantasy than in reality. Bounce ideas off others before moving forward. They will help set you straight. |