牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 你優柔寡斷的性格不會讓你從他人那裡獲得支持,所以你也別去向周圍人尋求意見。你可以從書籍或者期刊中尋找到你要的答案。
Aries Your vacillating mind won’t get much support from others, so you might as well save your energy trying to seek advice from people around. You are better off searching for the answers from books, magazines, and periodicals. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 周圍的人可能對未來有些迷茫。這時候就需要你挺身而出了,不要害怕成為團隊的領導。你會做的很不錯的。
Taurus You are in a good position to take advantage of a situation that is floundering. People need direction and you can give it to them. Don’t be afraid to stand up and take the lead. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 你可以好好把握下早晨的時間。在早上,你的效率會很高,而到下午,你可能就會有些倦怠。所以,本周的成敗關鍵就是早上這段時間。
Gemini Get your work done early this week. Get up an extra hour or two before you normally do and take advantage of this valuable time. You will be much more productive in these early morning hours. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 你是個善於發現的人。你能從眾人認為是沒有希望的局面中看到希望。這是一個非常寶貴的天賦。你有改變局勢的能力,所以不要浪費這種才能。
Cancer You will be able to discover the opportunity where everyone else sees tragedy. This is a gift so don’t let it go to waste. You have the power to rectify a dying situation and turn it into a complete success story. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 你應該放下自己的觀點,去仔細聽一下你周圍人的意見。不要只用一種模式思考,這會讓你錯過很多東西。
Leo Put your strong ideas aside and be open to the people around you. If you get too caught up in only one way of thinking, you are likely to miss out on a very valuable point. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 本周你可能情緒不佳,這也會讓你變得沒那麼自信。你要注意,別太過相信他人。你只應該相信你自己。
Virgo You won’t be in the best mood this week and this is likely to make you feel less confident. Be cautious because there is danger here. Having too much trust in others makes you impressionable. Ultimately, trust only yourself. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 你可能完全不能理解周圍人的想法,他們的話聽上去好似外語一般。不要這麼匆忙的得出這樣的決定。你應該仔細聽一下他們的想法,因為你也能從中學到很多。
Libra Other people’s ideas will seem completely foreign to you. Your first reaction will be to dismiss them entirely. Actually you can learn a great deal from the wisdom of others. Right now you should be listening closely. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 本周你有很多重要的事情需要完成,但是卻有股力量在阻止你前進,好像總有人在反對一些新的思路,遇到這種情況也請不要放棄希望。
Scorpio You will have an important piece of information that you need to move through the system this week. Unfortunately, however, a strong force is blocking your way. It seems that someone is automatically opposing all new ideas. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 本周他人的交流可能會變得有些問題。你會從他人那裡獲得許多信息,但是這可能反而會使你變得迷茫起來。你要想辦法把這些信息分類,並且不要做出重大的決定。
Sagittarius Communication will be muddled and you will find that the more information you get from others, the more confused you will become. Trying to sort out all the missing pieces will be extremely challenging. Don’t make any major decisions this week. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 當別人遇到困難的時候,你不應該無動於衷,而是主動伸出援手。你會發現,幫助別人在某種程度上來說,也是在幫助你自己。
Capricorn When other people get in trouble, you should not be completely indifferent. Ask what you can do to help instead of sitting back and doing nothing. You will find that helping others will actually end up helping you. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 在將全身心投入到某件事情前,你需要先了解一下詳細情況。有些工作不一定適合你。
Aquarius Don’t put yourself into a situation that you know nothing about. Your tendency is to take the lead on something that needs immediate attention. Be careful. You are not the best one suited for the job so let someone else do it. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你可能覺得周圍人給了你很多壓力,你覺得自己必須要將事情做到完美。其實,很多時候壓力並不是來自別人,而是來自你自己,所以放輕鬆,別給自己太多壓力。
Pisces You will feel a great deal of pressure from the people around you. You feel the need to achieve a certain level of performance with absolute perfection. Most of this pressure is actually not coming from others. Go easy on yourself. |