牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 你通常不太敢說出你的想法,這也限制了你的精力和決心。別再這樣了,不要害怕說出自己的想法。
Aries You don’t always dare say what you think, and this can block your energy and determination. Try to stop yourself from running away. Take responsibility for your opinions. Don’t be afraid to voice them.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20
Taurus Do you feel that your power has increased? You may not know what to do with this newfound strength. Try looking at how you relate to your friends. Could you improve your relationships? Using power is something that one learns over time.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 你可能會覺得最近的人際關係會比以前復雜很多。不過,一旦你分析出了是什麼力量來驅使你的時候,你會發現一切都變得簡單很多。
Gemini You may feel that your current relationships are more complicated than ever. When you’re finished analyzing and have an understanding of what really drives you, your relationships will seem much simpler.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 你終於明白你的意志不可能總是決定所有的事情。你會受到打擊,不過這也會幫助你變得更成熟。在必要的時候,你能接受錯誤,並且願意修正你的判斷。
Cancer You finally understand that the force of your will can’t always determine everything. Your ego is taking a beating, no doubt, but this will help you mature. You accept being wrong and willingly revise your judgment when necessary.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 你最近常常在「讓自己開心」還是「取悅他人」這個問題上糾結。你個人可能會更傾向於後者。不難理解,這個問題不容易解決。不過你要想一想,為什麼你總是需要被他人稱讚。
Leo You’re currently stuck between two strong desires — the desire to create for your own pleasure and the desire to please others. It will understandably be difficult for you to resolve this dissonance. The solution for you comes from asking why you feel such a strong need to be appreciated.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期,你可能會比以前更想尋找自己家庭的根源。你的搜尋之旅會很仔細,你甚至會連極微小的線索都不放過。
Virgo You may feel more of an urge than ever to search for your family roots. Your search could be so deep and intense that you may even go beyond genealogy and study archeology as a way to learn how to bring some cohesion to the odd bits and pieces of family remnants that you uncover.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 本周,你會被你的一個好友的專心和自律性所感動。當你開始學會欣賞他人的優點時,其實你自己也正在取得進步。
Libra This week, you may be impressed by the powers of concentration and self-discipline of one of your friends. The fact that you recognize these qualities in others means that you’re making progress.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 「自信」和「高效」是你本周的主旋律。你需要好好利用這種優勢來為你的未來打下基礎。
Scorpio Confidence and efficiency are the week’s themes. You can take advantage of the energy from this week’s aspects to give your future a gentle nudge in the right direction.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 這個星期相對平靜的生活會讓你有時間審視自我。你可以好好利用一下這段寶貴的時間來總結過去,並認清什麼是困擾你前進的原因。
Sagittarius The relative tranquility you enjoy this week lets you listen more attentively to your inner self. You’re well aware of the toll you pay when you try to ignore those nudges of intuition you sometimes feel. You may gain some insight into what’s troubling you.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 家庭事務也好,工作也好,本周都不會讓你感到太困擾。所有的事情都會按你期待的軌跡發展。你會過的很不錯。
Capricorn You can look forward to an enjoyable week. Neither family matters nor career issues will cloud your spirit, as everything seems to be proceeding smoothly and according to plan.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 毫無疑問,這個星期你會過的很不錯。你的臉上會掛著滿意的笑容來提升你的士氣。也有可能你將會挑戰你自己的核心價值。
Aquarius There’s no doubt that this week will be excellent. You can find satisfaction that puts a smile on your face and boosts your morale. It will be possible that you’re challenging some of your core values.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你可能已經不只千遍的問過自己,自己的未來會怎麼樣,尤其是你的事業。你要活在當下,並要相信,在未來一切都有可能發生。
Pisces You may have been asking yourself a thousand questions about what will become of you, especially in terms of your career. You should live for the moment, be in the present, and know that anything is possible in the future. |
