牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 你很容易做出些衝動的決定,所以你要特別小心。這個星期你可能會遇到一些不太容易打交道的人,你可以試著換個時間再和他們聯繫。
Aries Your emotions are likely to deceive you so be careful about making a judgment about something. The situations and people you encounter this week are apt to be stubborn, emotional, or unreliable. If this is so, simply back away and address these things at some other time.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你想成為某個計劃的負責人,但是不巧的是,你的另一個同事可能也正有此意。一個團隊不要有兩個負責人,所以你要想個其它的方法來解決這個問題。
Taurus You are ready to take the lead on a certain project at work, but unfortunately, it seems that one of your co-workers has the same idea. Sharing the leadership role is not going to be so easy, so don’t bother trying. Find a different solution.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 如果遇到了什麼不公平的對待,別忍氣吞聲,而是應該奮起反抗。要為自己應得的利益抗爭。
Gemini Make sure you stand up for yourself when you know that someone is trying to hand you the short end of the stick. Be sure that you are getting fair pay and fair recognition for your services and hard work.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 人們可能會想把自己的想法強加在你的身上,但這會讓你變得越來越糊塗。不要去嘗試滿足所有人的需求,你只需要傾聽自己內心的聲音。
Cancer People aren’t afraid to give you their two cents even if you did not ask for it. As these opinions fly at you, you are likely to get more and more confused. Instead of trying to make sense of everyone else’s opinion, just listen to yourself.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 你提出了一些建議,但周圍的人可能並不太能理解。不要因為他們的反應就開始質疑自己的想法。你要堅信自己的想法是最好的。
Leo People may look at you as if you are crazy for suggesting the things that are on your mind. Don’t let them place seeds of doubt in your head. People may be weary because they are scared. Lead by example and demonstrate that your way is best.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 有時候,一個人的力量是微小的,但是一個團隊的力量卻是無限的。所以,多和周圍的人互動一下,你會從他們身上學到很多東西。
Virgo Put your energy toward a group project and work to co-create something much more magical and meaningful than anything you could create on your own. You aren’t alone in this world, and you will find that you have a great deal to learn from working in close relationship with other people who share similar ideals.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 這個星期你要小心,自己可能會過度自信。很多人可能表面上在同意你的意見,其實在心裡卻對你有無盡的蔑視。要多多注意。
Libra This week, you need to make sure you don’t get too over-confident. When you assert yourself this week, you must realize that people who usually go along with what you say might actually snap back with defiance.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 這個星期你最好提高警惕。在職場上,你可能會遭遇到他人的敵視。這會對你產生極其負面的影響。你要全副武裝,面對這類情況的發生。
Scorpio The hostile attitude in the workplace is likely to have quite a negative effect on you this week if you are not careful. Your sensitive nature is not fully equipped to deal with the bombardment from the people around you. Wear a suit of armor this week.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 你要特別小心自己的言辭,有些話你可能覺得沒什麼問題,但是在別人聽來可能會有些刺耳。不要為自己樹敵。
Sagittarius Your words are likely to have a harsh edge to them so be careful. You may think that your banter is witty and clever, but other people may find it to be harsh and offensive. Try not to make enemies in the workplace. Make friends instead.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 這個星期你可能會有些神遊,所以你很難將注意力集中在工作上。不過你一旦下定決心好好工作,你會很高效的完成自己的工作。
Capricorn This week your mind is soaring in the clouds and it may be hard for it to keep on task. However, once you start the act of writing or whatever job you need to finish, things seem to flow to completion on their own.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 人們不會去相信一個猶豫不決的人。所以你要變得更果斷,更自信。抬起胸膛,這會為你贏來他人的尊重。
Aquarius Your confidence will pay off. People are not going to have faith in a leader who is vacillating and hesitant. Demonstrate that you are a good leader by being assertive and sure of yourself. Hold your chest high and you will command great respect.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你可能會覺得自己很難和同事們進行溝通,每個人似乎都活在自己的世界裡。別浪費精力了,本周你不適合進行團隊合作。
Pisces You will feel off-balance with the people in your office. It seems that everyone is operating under a different wavelength, making it difficult for you to connect with people the way you need to. This is not the week to force a team effort.
