牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 過多的工作可能會導致你壓力倍增,你甚至可能會感到頭痛。所以不妨先集中精力完成最緊急的工作。另外,周圍的人可能會針對某個問題展開激烈的討論,你最好別參與其中。
Aries Overwork and the resulting stress and nerve strain might result in fevers or headaches. Therefore, it might be a good idea to start out the day pacing yourself and concentrating on whatever tasks are the most pressing. There is a chance that others around you might get into some rather heated arguments. Stay out of it. This will only make you feel worse.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你應該早點回家。因為這星期可能事情不太會朝你期待的方向發展。也許你應該停下來休息一下,然後再前進。
Taurus Consider going home early. You are not getting through to others the way you would like to. There is no sense in spinning your wheels or trying to force a situation that is simply not meant to work. Wait until the situation improves.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 這個星期你可以試著走出自己慣有的生活方式,嘗試一些新的東西。你可能會發現這會提高你的工作效率。
Gemini Feel free to break from your normal routine. This is a good time to experiment. You may discover that a new procedure is actually more effective than your usual one. Be patient with others who may not catch on as quickly as you do.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 要想取得成功,團隊合作必不可少。所以如果對某個搭檔有不滿意,就直接向他指出吧。這會更有利於你們團隊間的合作的。
Cancer Take a more stern approach with someone in the workplace. You have put up with this person’s immature approach too long. Emphasize the fact that the focus must be put back to the work and the collective goal. Teamwork is essential for success.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 這個星期你會覺得事業和家庭似乎無法兩全。而你似乎對此毫無辦法。這也讓你會變得比平時易怒。
Leo A conflict between career obligations and home responsibilities could present itself. You’re likely to feel totally powerless in the situation, so it could cause you to feel irritable and be more snappish than usual.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期你的心理承受能力會特別強,你也會獲取比平時更多的信息。你的辨識能力也會特別出色。
Virgo Your mental capacity is quite strong. You are able to receive and process much more information than usual. Feel free to take on more than is required of you. You will have the ability to scan many documents with a discriminatory eye.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 噩夢可能會讓你心情不佳,你可能會擔心起自己的財政問題。但事實上,你只是在庸人自擾。不要為自己施加過多的壓力。
Libra Nightmares that come your way are likely to cause you to wake up feeling extremely angry for no tangible reason. You might want to take a close look at your dreams and try to analyze them so that you’ll learn the source of your ire and how best to expunge it.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 戀人或者某位同事這個星期可能非常容易生氣,這也讓你感到一絲心煩意亂。你現在要做的就是暫時遠離他們,讓他們自己冷靜下來。
Scorpio A partner, either your life partner or a colleague, is likely to be in an irritable mood this week, which you could find a bit upsetting. Bear in mind that this person’s mood probably has little if anything to do with you, or anything you’ve said or done.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 手頭上積攢下的工作會讓你覺得壓力倍增。你現在需要做的就是調整好自己的節奏,將工作和休息結合起來。這會讓你的工作變得輕鬆起來。
Sagittarius Too many unfinished tasks or chores might have you feeling pressured to get them done, creating unnecessary stress and strain. Pace yourself and don’t panic if you have to let some of them go for. This should clear your head and make things easier for you.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 周圍的人可能因為意見不合開始爭吵起來。所以現在你最好遠離他們,如果有什麼意見可以先寫下,等到他們冷靜的時候再提出。
Capricorn Emotional levels run high among members of a group you’re affiliated with as disagreements turn into quarrels. Stay out of this, it won’t do you any good. Write down your impressions and share them with the others at another time when tempers have cooled down.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 手頭上的工作尚未完成,新的工作卻已出現,你可能會覺得壓力陡增。現在你能做的就是將全部的注意力集中在自己的工作上,別為了些瑣事分散了注意。
Aquarius Pressures to get unfinished tasks completed and new ones begun cause emotions to run high. You are likely to feel nervous and stressed out, and quarrels may break out. It might be best if you keep your eyes and mind focused on the tasks at hand and not on the petty squabbles that are going on around you.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 做好的計劃無法順利執行,這可能會讓你覺得十分鬱悶。你也很容易和周圍的人爭吵,而且你也很容易意氣用事。在做任何決定前,都要三思,否則你的努力可能會白費。
Pisces Frustrated energy resulting from inability to put your plans into action could have your nerves on edge, and you might be tempted to get into petty quarrels with those around you. Try to find alternative outlets for your energy so as to avoid this trap. Remember to think twice before you act; otherwise, your efforts might be wasted.
