一周星座運勢 Your Weekly Horoscope Aug. 24 – Aug. 30

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巨蟹座: 這個星期你的事業運會特別好,而現在,你可以好好計劃一下自己的未來了。為自己好好打算一下。

牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19

This week you’ll likely find that you begin to make real progress on a project that may have been stagnating for a while. You can’t help but feel gratified that all of your hard work is finally beginning to pay off. But don’t rest on your laurels. Continue to work hard so that you can achieve even greater recognition.

金牛座 4/20 – 5/20

Since it’s likely that you will have some visitors this evening, why not spend the day reorganizing and sprucing up your home. Add homey touches with groupings of framed family photographs on one table and a favorite collection on another. It doesn’t take money to make a home feel welcoming, just love.

雙子座 5/21 – 6/20

You are a hard and conscientious worker and certainly have been applying your skills and doing your best for some time now. The time is ripe for you to reap some benefits from all your efforts. The good news is that all signs indicate that a big career leap is just around the corner for you. Continue to work hard and be patient and soon it will all prove worthwhile.

巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22

A new cycle begins in your workplace this week that is likely to bring you a great deal of luck with regard to your career. This is a wonderful time to plan for a raise or promotion of some sort. You deserve it and you will most certainly get it.

獅子座7/23 – 8/22

You have a lot of charm and tremendous social skills. Someone in a position of power and authority may ask you to join him or her for dinner. These are ideal opportunities to showcase your talents, so embrace them rather than shy away from them.

處女座8/23 – 9/22

This is a week when you could greatly benefit from spending some time outdoors in quiet reflection. Even a half-hour’s walk through a city park will help you feel more rested and grounded. You have been working especially hard lately, and need some time to refill the well of your soul.

天秤座9/23 – 10/22

You’re a hard and conscientious worker and sometimes you work so hard that you neglect to take any time for yourself. You do no one any good if you burn out from sheer exhaustion. You must learn how to pace yourself and balance your life in such a way that there is ample time for work, play, and meditation.

天蠍座10/23 – 11/21

You will be in good standing with the people in your workplace. Others will recognize you and appreciate you for your level-headedness and steady, reliable work ethic. Be sure to live up to their expectations. Doing so will take you far.

射手座11/22 – 12/21

You may not be as perky and upbeat in the workplace this week as you usually are, but the good news is that you will get your work done. Your efficiency this week is outstanding as long as you can keep yourself focused on the task at hand.

山羊座12/22 – 1/19

You may feel as if everyone around you at work is giving you strange looks as if they know something that you don’t. Do not let this paranoia affect your performance. Dismiss it and keep your focus on your work instead of those around you.

水瓶座1/20 – 2/18

Romance is very much highlighted this week. All the planetary energies indicate that you and your partner are operating on precisely the same wavelength. Perhaps it’s time to take the next important step in your relationship.

雙魚座2/19 – 3/20

Anything you attempt to do this week is likely to turn out really well. You have an ambitious nature, so by all means take advantage of these auspicious conditions to pursue your career-related goals.

Your Horoscope for the week of Nov.3 - Nov. 9

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