牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 儘管獨立如你,還是有必須依賴他人的時候。不過要當心一些與你頻率不對盤的人。愛情方面,如果你保持謹慎的態度,而魅力四射,一定能吸引到心目中的對象。
Aries Despite your fiercely independent spirit, there comes a time when you need to rely on others. But some people just do not match your wavelength. In addition, be discreet and charming and you are sure to seduce to object of your desires. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 財務的安排狀況帶給你非常大的壓力,讓你無法擇一去妥協。另一方面,紛雜的家務事就先暫擱一旁吧,精採的社交活動才是你最需要的。同時,本周也是旅行的絕佳時機。
Taurus Financial arrangements are likely to cause tension as you find it hard to compromise one way or another. On the other hand, chores can wait and your social life should take priority. This is a favorable time for travel. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 一些與你共事的同事總是限制你的行動和工作領域,對此你將感到十分沮喪。不過,到了周末終於能喘口氣了。本周多花點時間和身邊的人一起發掘共同的夢想和興趣吧。
Gemini Someone you work with is restricting your field of action and you are feeling frustrated. By weekend you’ll be ready for a break. Spend time with someone and discover joint interests and dreams. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 「溝通交流」是你本周的強項,你可以在非常清楚的表達出自己的看法。不過,如果事情開始變得枯燥乏味,你也會變得無精打採的,這時便需要來點刺激了。
Cancer Communication becomes your strong point, and you will be able to express yourself clearly. If things seem a little dull, spirits will drop and you will begin to lose interest. You need to spice things up. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 其實你已經準備好要大步向前了,然而可惜的事,本周可能不是一個適合改變的時機。你需要多點時間來想想事情該怎麼進行。而一位密友,一趟旅行,或一場文化盛宴都能給你啟發。
Leo You are ready to move forward, but this is a bad week for making moves. Take time to think about things. A close friend, a journey or a cultural event will provide new food for thought. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 最近花錢的時候得先考慮一下,可能會有一些出乎意料的帳單款項要額外支付。愛情方面,如果想要把握幸福,得先放下過去。你必須學著放手。
Virgo You have to be cautious when it comes to spending, as you have some unexpected bills to pay. Additionally, you need to put a past relationship behind you if you want to seize a new opportunity for happiness. Practice letting go. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 你發現,生活周遭的事物好像都一派冷靜,也缺乏一些浪漫的激情。但別灰心,本周將有變化的契機。此外,最近發生的一些事情可能讓你需要多點時間在家休養。
Libra Things are calm and you may feel that your life lacks a spark of romance. But don’t despair. Change is in store. Spend some more time at home, as you are in need of some time to recover from recent experiences. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 本周好多機會來敲門,不過也因此你的選擇也變得艱難,且只要有些微的怠惰好的機會可能就會從指尖溜走。而若有一段非常穩固的關係,在本周則會更加堅定,並且可能會有更深的承諾。
Scorpio Opportunities come in more readily, but you have some tough choices to make. A slight lack of motivation could cause you to miss out on a good offer. A solid relationship will be consolidated and commitment will be reaffirmed. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 別吝於給予身邊的人一個大大的讚賞,只要他們把工作做好。你的賞識可能會讓他們對你的未來有所幫助。而新環境則能帶給你不同的全新感受與嚮往。
Sagittarius Don’t forget to praise others for doing a job well. Your recognition of their contribution will make them better disposed to help you in the future. New places will open the door to new feelings and desires. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 本周,你可能在職場上將面臨一個轉捩點,也可能成為人生的分水嶺。舊有的約束已不復再,而新的機會將要到來。而人際關係方面,最好先和生人打好交道後,再與之深交。
Capricorn You reach a new turning point in your career, a kind of watershed. Old commitments come to an end and new opportunities appear. Take more time to get to know people before you rush in. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 本周你可能沒有很多時間可以浪費了,好好的分配你的時間。最好能發揮「做中學」精神,進而從社交活動中學習文化應對。此外,多多注意身邊剛認識的朋友,他們很有可能成為未來的伴侶。
Aquarius You have little time to spare so make sure you spend it wisely. Combine social events with learning activities to increase your knowledge and general culture. New encounters will reveal a potential for love which should be exploited. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 本周,你會發現走極端路線並不是一個好的策略,是時候學著緩和一些。由於外在種種因素,旅遊計畫可能會被耽擱,不過別放棄希望,不久後還是能有出遊的機會。
Pisces You will learn a lesson in moderation, as you discover that going to extremes is not the best tactic. Vacations or travel plans may have to be delayed due to external circumstances. Be flexible, and don’t give up hope. The time will soon be right for a memorable trip. |