牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 這個星期可能在金錢上的問題讓你很糾結,例如有張支票該收到的卻沒到。不過這只是暫時性的問題,很快都會被解決的。
Aries Some financial issues will probably upset you. Perhaps a check you’ve been expecting hasn’t arrived on time. But this is only a temporary issue. All things should be going very well soon. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 事業上的一個挫折會讓你有些迷失了方向,不過不用太擔心這些問題,花些時間放鬆一下,並且享受和家人朋友們在一起的時光。
Taurus A setback in your career will make you feel disoriented. But you don’t need to be worried. It’s only temporary. Try to spend time relaxing and enjoying the company of friends and family. |
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 一些機械上的故障可能會讓你變成熱鍋上的螞蟻,最好打電話找人來修一下。在這之前先找些別的事情做。
Gemini Mechanical equipment will probably break down this week. This could set you back and make you antsy so you will need a call a repair service. Try to find something else to do. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 本周你會感到自己特別熱情,你很期待一場浪漫的邂逅,甚至可能會有一場很浪漫的約會。
Cancer You may feel especially passionate this week and desire a romantic encounter. You probably will even have a hot date scheduled. |
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 有人可能會帶著很多問題來尋求你的意見和同情,他也可能會給你帶來讓你驚訝的消息。
Leo A visitor with a few problems will come to your to ask for advice and sympathy. He or she will also have some other news that may shock you. |
處女座8/23 – 9/22 工作過度所造成的疲勞讓你的身體有些不舒服,你最好花些時間獨自休息一下。另外,在你周遭可能會有很多閒言閒語,在沒有得到真相前,不要隨便下結論。
Virgo Your health will be the forfeit you pay for overworking so it may be a good idea to take some time alone to rest. Also, some unexpected changes around you will probably have tongues wagging. Be sure to check out the facts before jumping to conclusion. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 現在你正在進行的計劃可能比想像中的還要更花時間和金錢,因此你得想是不是要繼續進行下去。
Libra A project you are working on may require a larger expenditure of money, time, or other resources than you originally thought. This will make you wonder if you will be able to continue with it. |
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 這個星期可能會有人拜訪你,也可能會有個浪漫約會。不過有時會對這些外務感覺疲倦,若是如此就最好別外出了,在家裡喝喝咖啡吃吃蛋糕也是不錯的。
Scorpio You will probably have visitors or even a romantic date scheduled this week. But you may feel too tired. It might be nice to enjoy coffee and cake at home instead of going out. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 本周你可能會聽到關於某個鄰居或者是親戚的驚人的消息,而這個八卦會傳播的很快。你得花很多時間來尋找真相,在未知真相之前別下任何定論 。
Sagittarius You will probably learn something shocking about a neighbor or relative. The gossip will spread rapidly through your community. You will have to spend a lot of time learning the truth. Don’t make any conclusion until you are sure. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你會收到一些意想不到的好消息,而可能會出門慶祝哦,別忘了帶上你最重要的人。
Capricorn Some surprising news will come to you so you will have a chance to go out and celebrate. Don’t forget to include your special someone in your celebration. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 本周可能會有很多不如意的事情發生,例如:可能會和戀人有短暫的分離。感到不開心的時候,就出去走走。這樣會幫助你理清思路。
Aquarius You will probably feel frustrated this week so be prepared. For example, a temporary separation from your partner can be disappointing. If you feel down, take a long walk. This can clear your head. |
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 你這個星期在藝術方面的靈感很強,但是可能會發現它們只是轉瞬即逝,所以快拿起筆把他們記錄下來吧。
Pisces Your level of artistic inspiration will be high this week but you will probably forget them immediately. Try writing down the ideas. |