牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 你可能覺得所有事情都在你的掌控之中,事情都進展的很順利。但事實真是如此麼?也許還有很多細節被你忽略了。更理性的看待你現在的處境可能會更好些。
Aries Your tendency is to think that you have everything under control and working smoothly as a top. This is not exactly the case. What you are failing to notice is the big picture. Taking a step back will reveal much more of the truth.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 周圍的人可能會對你唱起讚歌。在公司,你是一個不可多得的人才。儘管你可能不是那個幹活最多的人,但是你的創意還有極佳的溝通能力會是公司的財富。
Taurus People will be singing your praises. You are a wonderful asset to have in the workplace. Although you may not be the hardest worker, you are creative, artistic, and you are extremely good at communicating with others.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 新的挑戰和機遇就在你面前,你現在已經有足夠的力量去接受挑戰了。所以,好好利用這個優勢,成就出一番大事吧。
Gemini New adventures are on the horizon now and you have a great opportunity to take advantage of situations that resonate with your true self. You have power and strength behind you, so feel free to expand and explore this desire to conquer.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 你的計劃比周圍的人好很多,所以不要被那些任務和你不同層級的人拖累。專注於自己的目標和夢想吧。
Cancer Your overall plan is much greater and more expansive than those of the people around you. As a result, don’t get slowed down by the people who are not thinking on the same level that you are. Stay focused on your largest goals and dreams.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 這個星期你會過的很順利。繼續做那些你的直覺告訴你是對的事情。變得堅強些,該出手時就出手吧。
Leo This is a great week for you. You’ll find that long-term trends are coming together harmoniously. Stick with the things that feel right. You have love and bravery to share with the world, so don’t be afraid to go out and conquer. Take action and be strong.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期你可以多考慮下自己的需求。和你最近遇見的朋友聯繫,也許你會從中獲取許多有用的訊息。
Virgo This is a week to care about you and your needs. Take steps toward making sure you’re getting what you want. Connect with people you’ve met recently. There’s significance in these serendipitous meetings.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 某個人的干擾可能會讓你的心情蒙上一層陰影。這個人可能會對你說教。不要讓他有這樣的機會來打擾你。
Libra Someone’s bitter and rather jaded attitude may be raining on your parade. This person is likely to tell you how to run your show — and probably how to run your life as well. Don’t even give this person your time.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 人們已經厭倦了你尖刻的態度,但這不代表你需要改變你自己。你只需要多注意下自己所說的話對他人的影響。
Scorpio People may be tired of your harsh attitude. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily change your ways or who you are. Just be more aware of how your words affect others. Be prepared to take the heat when people defend themselves.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 這星期的首要之務就是你要在現實和虛擬中尋找到一個平衡點。這兩者之間都各有優缺,如果你能找到,也許你就會獲得成功。
Sagittarius The key focus for you this week is to balance fantasy with reality. Both certainly do have their merits so don’t completely trade in one for the other. Success will be yours if you can find a way to integrate both concepts into your current plan.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 計劃再完美,但是你不去做的話,永遠不會實現。也許現在你要做的事情和平時自己做事的風格很不一樣,但是嘗試一下新的東西未免也不是什麼壞事。
Capricorn Stop planning and start doing. Let your mind explore new realms. Feel free to pick up loose pieces of an old dream that you left hanging in midair. Rekindle your passion for life.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 你可以探索一下過去自己從未涉足過的領域。不要局限自己的思維。這個星期你所獲得的信心將在很大程度上幫助你實現自己的夢想。
Aquarius You can explore, reach out, and expand your mind to the far corners of your world and beyond. Don’t restrict yourself to linear thinking. Information you receive should be extremely helpful in the pursuit of your wildest dreams.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 這個星期你可能會在一個你平時不太發表意見的領域有所行動。你要對自己的夢想有信心,現在你已經萬事俱備了,開始行動吧。
Pisces This week you should take action in areas where you usually keep quiet. Be confident of your dreams. Take action. You have everything you need to make it all start working for you.
