牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 這星期其他人的所做所為可能會讓你感到自己受到了些威脅。別讓他們的行為影響到你。別去質疑自己。現在你正走在正確的道路上。
Aries Other people will say or do things that will threaten to throw you off balance. Don’t let their actions affect you. You are on the right track so don’t doubt yourself for even a second. Your emotional confidence is strong and unrivaled.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 不管怎麼樣,你都要保持自己的立場。你可能會從不同的人那裡得到對你截然不同的看法。每個人都有自己的想法,而你所能做的就是做好自己,別輕易放棄。
Taurus Hold your ground. Some people will say that you are being too conservative while others will claim that you are too radical. This just goes to show that everything is relative. Everyone has an opinion. Stand strong beside yours and don’t waiver.
雙子座 5/21 – 6/20 這個星期你可以花些時間去做些整理,將自己的生活好好規劃下。這樣做的話,也會讓你日後的工作開展的更為順利。
Gemini This is your week to get organized. Gather up all the scattered pieces of your life and put them in proper order. Develop systems to make your job more efficient. The days to follow will go much more smoothly if you take the time now to consolidate.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 這個星期你可能會發現自己的工作會變得順利一些。其他人也會幫助你更好的了解各類訊息。
Cancer It will be easier for you to get things done now since people are more apt to be working with you than against you. Other people’s detail-oriented approach is helping you get the information and the cold, hard facts that you need to get ahead.
獅子座7/23 – 8/22 對自己嚴格些,這也會讓你避免很多錯誤。變得嚴格並不會讓你受到傷害,反而會對你有很多好處。
Leo It wouldn’t hurt for you to look at your own work with a more critical eye. Keep a sharp eye out for errors or omissions. Be your own critic so that you can nip any problems in the bud before someone else sees them first and thinks less of you.
處女座8/23 – 9/22 這個星期說服他人可能會有些困難,所以你根本不需要花時間在這上面。別去刻意的討好別人,只要做好自己就夠了。
Virgo Other people will not see eye to eye with you, so trying to convince them of anything will be useless. You simply won’t succeed — so don’t even bother trying. Do things your own way and don’t feel obligated to prove yourself to others. It isn’t necessary.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 這個星期你需要變得謹慎一些。魯莽或雜亂無章的行動可能會為你帶去各類問題。冷靜下來,你需要有條不紊的面對工作。
Libra Use a degree of caution as you go about your workdays. Any reckless movements or haphazard actions are likely to backfire. Be calm, methodical and practical as you work. This is the kind of tactic that will make you most efficient overall.
天蠍座10/23 – 11/21 某個想法激進的人可能會讓你的生活變得困難起來。他可能不想看到你成功,因為你可能會和他有利益上的衝突。你可能很難改變這一現狀,唯一能做的就是要靈活一些。
Scorpio Someone with extremely radical views is going to make your life rather difficult. This person doesn’t want to see you succeed. There is a blatant conflict of interest and quite frankly, there is very little you can do but try to be flexible.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 和別人間的良好溝通將在這個星期消失殆盡。現在大家可能各自都有了不同的想法。別給他們太多的壓力,留給他們些屬於自己的空間吧。
Sagittarius The good communication you had with people during the last couple of days is going to crumble. Suddenly people are going to clam up. They are on a different wavelength. Let them have their space instead of pressuring them too much at this time.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你不可能讓所有人都滿意,但是卻能讓自己滿意。別太去在意其他人的想法,你只要做好自己的工作就夠了。
Capricorn You are not going to please everyone so you might as well please yourself. Regardless of what you do, someone is going to be upset. This is fine. Let them be upset. Other people’s feelings are certainly not your responsibility. Just do your job.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 開心的日子已經結束,別總想著玩樂,現在是時候靜下心來好好工作了。別總是抱怨自己的工作。
Aquarius The party is over and now it is time for you to get down to work. If you find yourself in the clouds, you are likely to get your hand slapped by your superiors and/or co-workers. Avoid this by simply doing your work and not complaining about it.
雙魚座2/19 – 3/20 前段時間你可能會有些迷茫,不過這個星期一切都好起來了。你的注意力會比平時更集中,這也會幫助你更好的完成工作。
Pisces Although your mind may have been a bit clouded over the past few days, this week the fog should clear and you’ll feel more focused. Creative projects can also benefit from your increased concentration.
