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不願被當作「後院」 尼泊爾和印度鬧翻了

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Nepalese students holding placards take part in a protest to show solidarity against the border blockade in Kathmandu, Nepal November 27, 2015. The middle hills and the capital Kathmandu have suffered fuel and cooking gas shortages after protesters in the south switched to blocking supplies from India, Nepal's largest trading partner, almost two months ago. Many in Nepal accuse India of supporting the protesters - a charge New Delhi denies. India has expressed its dissatisfaction with parts of the constitution, although it also says it cannot allow trucks to enter Nepal while conditions are unsafe. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar
Nepalese students holding placards take part in a protest to show solidarity against the border blockade in Kathmandu, Nepal November 27, 2015. The middle hills and the capital Kathmandu have suffered fuel and cooking gas shortages after protesters in the south switched to blocking supplies from India, Nepal’s largest trading partner, almost two months ago. Many in Nepal accuse India of supporting the protesters – a charge New Delhi denies. India has expressed its dissatisfaction with parts of the constitution, although it also says it cannot allow trucks to enter Nepal while conditions are unsafe. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

週一,尼泊爾總統班達裡(Bidhya Devi Bhandari)在啟程72小時前突然取消了訪問印度的行程。緊接著,尼泊爾召回了其駐印度大使,並指責這位大使「不合作」以及從事「反政府」活動。甚至有傳言稱,尼泊爾政府將宣佈印度駐該國大使為「不受歡迎的人」。

《印度快報》(Indian Express)的報道說,出現外交危機的原因是尼泊爾政府認為印度在試圖推翻總理奧利(KP Sharma Oli)領導的政權。去年9月,尼泊爾通過了第一步由民選代表制定的憲法,尼共(聯合馬列)領導人奧利在隨後的選舉中上任。




奧利曾在公開場合以及私下告訴印度外交官不要「干涉尼泊爾內政」。前尼共(毛主義)領導人、前總理普拉昌達(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)曾多次強調:「印度的微觀管理(micro-management)不會被接受。」

印度獨立網絡媒體《公民》(The Citizen)文章說,印度對尼泊爾的經濟封鎖促使奧利轉向中國。中國的「一帶一路」計劃目前在尼泊爾大受歡迎,而印度則選擇置身其外。此次外交風波令尼印雙方彌合裂痕的努力嚴重受挫,並使印度大感意外。尼泊爾作為其外交政策建制中的一個敏感部分,此番危機還使印度深感沮喪。



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