【看舞台劇 Play】
時間:週六, 7:30 pm / 週日,2:00 pm
《63萬億》將在10月20日在西雅圖迎來首演。由帶來Sandbox Radio的團隊繼續為大家帶來一部黑暗的喜劇。由著名編劇John Bunzel編寫,這部劇講述了一群財務顧問如何在歷史上最大的財務危機中生存下來。究竟誰會是最後的贏家?而誰又將輸掉一切?這部喜劇將由西雅圖最優秀的演員Amontaine Aurore, David Gehrman, Peter Jacobs, Charles Leggett, Jason Marr, Terry Edward Moore與David Pichette帶來精彩的表演。
63 Trillion
When: October 20-November 19
Time: Saturday, 7:30 pm / Sunday, 2:00 pm
Where: West of Lenin
Info: http://westoflenin.com/index.php
A Seattle Premiere! From the team that brings you Sandbox Radio comes a scathing dark comedy from award-winning playwright John Bunzel, about a small group of financial advisors desperate to survive the worst financial crisis in history. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will do the right thing? Featuring an all-star cast of Seattles finest. “63 TRILLION is a treasure trove of mean-spirited fun.” (Stage Raw) “When global financial markets go radioactive, predators stand poised for a fight to the finish. Partnerships prove to be perilous and laws are meaningless in the jungle of scheming money managers, where the cleverly crafted characters of John Bunzel’s dark comedy dwell.” (BroadwayWorld) Directed by Richard Ziman and featuring a cast of Seattle’s best: Amontaine Aurore, David Gehrman, Peter Jacobs, Charles Leggett, Jason Marr, Terry Edward Moore, and David Pichette.
【看幽靈 Ghost Tour】
時間:6 pm
拓荒者廣場幽靈之旅是一段探索拓荒者廣場的歷史故事的旅程。根據研究奇異現象人員的調查與人們口耳相傳的故事,這段長達九十分鐘的步行之旅將帶領大家穿梭在西雅圖最為古老的社區,拓荒者廣場,並前往Pioneer Square Hotel,Smith Tower,西雅圖歷史最為悠久的餐廳Merchant’s Cafe and Saloon等地點。大家將聽到真實的鬼故事與傳說,甚至前往西雅圖著名的地底下探索。
The Original Pioneer Square Ghost Tour
When: Everyday
Time: 6 pm
Where: Pioneer Square
Info: http://spookedinseattle.squarespace.com/tours-hunts/pioneersquaretour
The original Pioneer Square Tour is a haunted historical tour featuring stories reported at the locations visited around the Pioneer Square neighborhood and from actual paranormal investigations. This 90 minute walking tour takes you through Seattle’s oldest neighborhood, with locations including the Pioneer Square Hotel, the Smith Tower, and Merchant’s Cafe and Saloon, Seattle’s oldest restaurant. You will hear real stories of the ghosts that continue to haunt the area, topped off by venturing into a portion of Seattle’s famous underground.
【刻南瓜 Carving】
時間:11:30 pm/ 1:45 pm/ 4:00 pm
十月象徵著南瓜季節的開始,也同時代表瑞的船屋的第四次南瓜雕刻聚會即將到來。所有年紀的大家都可以來到這家咖啡店展示一番南瓜雕刻技巧。咖啡店將提供一顆南瓜,適合孩童使用的雕刻工具,LED蠟燭與熱熱的蘋果汽汁。店內也將販賣homemade pumpkin spice bourbon與各類秋季食譜菜單。參加這個聚會的門票價格為每人17美金,可提前預約時間。
Pumpkin Carving Party
When: October 21
Time: 11:30 am/ 1:45 pm/ 4:00 pm
Where: Ray’s Boathouse
Info: http://www.rays.com/5448-2/
It’s officially the start of pumpkin season, which means it’s almost time for Ray’s fourth annual pumpkin carving party! All ages are invited to show-off their pumpkin carving skills on Saturday, October 21 on our Cafe deck, rain or shine. We’ve winterized our deck to make it nice and cozy for the fall festivities! We will provide all carvers with: a pumpkin, child-safe carving tools, led candle, hot apple cider to keep you warm as you craft your Jack- O-Lantern! And this fall tradition wouldn’t be complete, without our seasonal homemade pumpkin spice bourbon and seasonal menu available for purchase. Tickets to the party are $17 per person (tax and gratuity not included).