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【看舞蹈 Dance 】



日期:7月13日 (星期五)
時間:6:30 p.m. 大門開啟/ 7:30 p.m. 表演開始

STG的標誌舞蹈項目「第20屆舞蹈匯演」匯集來自不同社區的青年和成人表演者進行合作,並通過舞蹈藝術分享他們的文化。來自本地和國家藝術家的作品突出了該地區充滿活力的人才。過去的嘉賓藝術家包括百老匯專業表演人員,紐約和洛杉磯獲獎舞者—Joffrey Ballet和Savion Glover等等。來自墨西哥,克羅地亞,印度和菲律賓的文化舞蹈加入了Tap,Modern和Hip Hop的當代舞蹈。表演者包括來自紐約的校友,新舞者和嘉賓藝術家,來給西雅圖一個活力的一晚。

20th Annual Dance This

When: Friday, July 13
Time: Doors at 6:30 p.m./ Show at 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Paramount Theatre

STG’s signature dance program, the 20th Annual DANCE This Performance, brings together youth and adult performers from diverse communities for collaboration and to share their culture through the art of dance. Works from local and national artists highlights this region’s vibrant talent. Past guest artists have included Broadway professionals, New York and L.A. award-winning dancers, the Joffrey Ballet, and Savion Glover to name a few. Cultural dances from Mexico, Croatia, India and the Philippines join contemporary dances of Tap, Modern and Hip Hop. The performers include alumni, new dancers and guest artists from New York, plus a Finale to bring down the house.

【音樂劇 Musical 】


時間:2 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
地點:Taproot Theatre

由Perrin Post和Laurie FlaniganHegge編劇,Dina Maccabee 編曲,Laurie FlaniganHegge填詞,和Karen Lund執導,《甜蜜的土地》是一部音樂劇,講述了一位年輕的德國女子穿越大海與一位她從未見過的挪威男人結婚。當朋友和鄰居放棄他們時,他們的快樂結局應該是懷疑和偏見?但是當困難降臨社區時,英格和奧拉夫為了拯救他們的朋友而犧牲了一切。

Sweet Land

When: July 11- Aug 18
Time: 2 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
Where: Taproot Theatre

Book by Perrin Post and Laurie FlaniganHegge, music by Dina Maccabee, lyrics by Laurie FlaniganHegge, and directed by Karen Lund, Sweet Land is a musical that follows a young German woman crosses the sea to marry a Norwegian man she’s never met. What should be their happy ending is met with suspicion and prejudice as friends and neighbors abandon them. But when hardship befalls the community, Inge and Olaf sacrifice everything to save their friends.

【節日 Festival】


時間:星期五 5p.m. – 11 p.m. / 星期六 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. / 星期日 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.

巴拉德海鮮節始於1974年,作為巴拉德與漁業和鄰里北歐根源的歷史聯繫的社區慶祝活動。今天,這個為期三天的免費節日吸引了超過75,000名前來享受傳統鮭魚燒烤的人們:當地音樂,藝術和手工藝品,家庭娛樂,啤酒花園,滑板活動以及是 – 很多海鮮!

Ballard Seafood Fest

When: July 13- 15
Time: Fri 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. / Sat 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. / Sun 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Where: NW Market Street

SeafoodFest began in 1974 as a community celebration of Ballard’s historic connection to the fishing industry and the neighborhood’s Nordic roots. Today, this free three-day festival attracts over 75,000 people who come to enjoy the traditional salmon barbecue and much more: local music, arts and crafts, family entertainment, a beer garden, a skateboarding event, and yes – lots of seafood!

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