【看音樂劇 Musical 】
Come From Away
When:Oct. 9 – Nov. 4
Where: The 5th Ave Theatre
It is not for nothing that Newfoundland is known as “the Rock.” Over 6,200 miles of jagged rock walls, formed millions of years ago by continental collision, volcanoes, and ice sheets, rise out of the North Atlantic along its coastline. For centuries the citizens of Newfoundland have survived brutal storms and epic winters by taking care of each other. So on 9/11, as thousands of airline passengers were stranded when the United States air space closed suddenly, the Newfoundlanders of Gander opened their arms and their homes and did the one thing they knew how to do: they took care of them.
With a diverse and talented handful of performers onstage, this New York Times Critics’ Pick takes you into the heart of the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships.
地點:The 5th Ave Theatre
【看展覽 Exhibition 】
Stone Images IX
When: Oct. 16 – Dec. 9
Time: Monday closed ; Tues – Sun 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. ; Thurs 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Where: The Pacific Bonsai Museum
Stone Images IX is a free exhibit open to the public featuring 28 stones collected from Washington, California, New Mexico, and Alaska by members of the Puget Sound Bonsai Association’s Viewing Stone Study Group. Viewing stones, as they are known in the United States (a.k.a. suiseki in Japan, or scholar stones in China) are naturally formed stones valued for their shape, color, beauty, pattern, and/or for what they can been seen to represent. Some collectors choose certain stones because they see in them natural scenes, such as scenic vistas or animals, or naturalistic imagery within the face of the stone.
After being collected, viewing stones are typically displayed on wooden stands (daiza); some stones are polished. When paired with bonsai, the viewing stone and bonsai tree each enhance the qualities of the other, and together, create a scene that might be found in nature. The practice of collecting and viewing stones originated in China about 2,000 years ago; it was introduced to Japan in the sixth century CE, and is now practiced worldwide.
時間:週一休息; 星期二至日10 a.m. – 4 p.m; 週四10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
【節日活動 Event 】
Diwali: Lights of India
When:Saturday, Oct.20,2018
Time : 6 p.m.
Where: Seattle Center Armory
Diwali: Lights of India celebrates light over darkness and good over evil as it highlights Indian presence in our region with live music, dance, visual exploration, authentic foods and goods, workshops, demonstrations and hands-on learning for kids and adults.Now in its sixth year, this festival showcases the arts and culture of India, adapted from and closely following Diwali, the popular annual autumn celebration in India.Other activities include: henna tattooing, face painting, clay Ganesha making, flower mandalas, workshops to create your own puppet for a puppet show, turban tying (Sikh style) and temple music by violinist Maestro Ganesh Rajagopalan. Taste the rich and spicy flavors of India with free vegetarian food, Ayurvedic cooking demonstrations and Roti making.
時間:6 p.m.