看舞台劇 Stage Play

時間:2 p.m.//7:30 p.m.
詳情:Seattle Repertory Theatre
莎拉的祖父快要離開人世了,而她的小兒子埃文才剛剛開始自己的人生。 《偉大時刻》是一個與人緊密相關的家庭故事,講述的是我們在不同年齡段如何找到自己—或迷失自己。 由安娜·齊格勒(Anna Ziegler)編劇,這部世界首演的舞台劇對開始、結束、出生、年齡以及過渡時刻都有著趣味而富有詩意的沉思,標誌著我們從生死到逝世的歷程。
The Great Moment
When: Oct. 11 – Nov. 15
Time: 2 p.m./7:30 p.m.
Where: Seattle Repertory Theatre
Info: https://www.seattlerep.org
As Sarah’s grandfather is nearing the end of his life, her precocious young son Evan is at the beginning of his. The Great Moment, an intensely personal, relatable family story is about how, at different ages, we find ourselves – or lose ourselves. Written by Anna Ziegler (Photograph 51), this world premiere play is a funny and poetic meditation on beginnings and endings, birth and age, and the moments of transition that mark our passage from life to death.
看展覽 Exhibition

肉與血:卡波迪蒙特博物館的意大利傑作為您提供了難得的機會,來體驗16世紀和17世紀的藝術之美。 Titian和Raphael等文藝復興時期的著名藝術家與巴洛克藝術大師如Artemisia Gentileschi,Jusepe de Ribera,Guido Reni和Bernardo Cavallino共同揭示了人體的訴求和局限性,以及表達愛與奉獻,體力勞動和悲慘的痛苦。
Flesh and Blood: Italian Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum
When: Oct. 17 – Jan. 26, 2020
Where: Seattle Art Museum
Info: http://fleshandblood.site.seattleartmuseum.org/
Flesh and Blood: Italian Masterpieces from the Capodimonte Museum offers a rare opportunity to experience the fierce beauty of art from the 16th and 17th centuries. Renowned Renaissance artists such as Titian and Raphael join Baroque masters including Artemisia Gentileschi, Jusepe de Ribera, Guido Reni, and Bernardo Cavallino to reveal the aspirations and limitations of the human body and the many ways it can express love and devotion, physical labor, and tragic suffering.
慶典節日 Festival
時間:5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Old Bellevue Fall Wine Walk on Main
When: Thursday, Oct. 17
Time: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Where: Main Street – Downtown Bellevue
Info: https://www.tickettomato.com/event/6337/
Grab some friends and go on a wine tasting adventure of local Washington wineries at downtown Bellevue merchants on Old Main. Meet the winemakers from 15 local wineries and sip, shop, & stroll down Old Main – the hidden gem of the Eastside that’s lively, intimate and friendly! Get 12 tasting tickets to try the wines of your choice while you mix and mingle with the winemakers at 14 merchants on Old Main! Complimentary Souvenir GoVino wine glass included courtesy of the 520 Bar & Grill and The Central! And a bonus tasting at Swiftwater Cellars!