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【看歌劇 Opera】


地點:McCaw Hall


Eugene Onegin

When: Jan. 11 – 25
Where: McCaw Hall

For Tatyana, it’s love at first sight. She stays up all night baring her soul in a passionate letter to Onegin, only to suffer crushing heartbreak the next day. When he finally returns her affections, it’s too late—a rival has appeared.

With breathtaking music by Tchaikovsky (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, 1812 Overture) and a story based on Alexander Pushkin’s masterful verse novel, Eugene Onegin is poignant Russian romance at its finest. Lush orchestrations, elegant ballroom dances, grand sets, and elaborate period costumes bring 1800s Russia to life on the McCaw Hall stage for the first time in this achingly beautiful tale of longing, remorse, and love unfulfilled.

【展覽 Exhibition 】

妮可·高登 《塗改的狀態》


高登的大型油畫畫家具有幻覺般的明晰性和技巧,她精心描繪了一個充滿實心幻想的夢境世界。 從超現實主義後的原型繪畫中,取材於木板間、沉思的孩子、狂歡節或空蕩蕩的城市景觀,然後將她的作品看似經過了超飽和的科幻/滑板朋克/迷幻感過濾器。高登對現實的描述是不斷變化的-過去,現在和後人類的未來與原始和前意識狀態交織在一起。在這些圖像前,我們重新審視最偉大的藝術家是否不需要描繪真實的事物,而是描繪事物的真實性。

Nicole Gordon “Altered States”

When: Jan. 24 – June 14
Where: Bellevue Art Museum

A painter of hallucinatory lucidity and skill, Gordon’s large-scale canvases meticulously depict a liquid dreamscape world of all-too-solid fantasy. Drawn from post-surrealist archetypal images of wood-paneled rooms, pensive children, deserted carnival rides, or empty urban landscapes, her compositions are then seemingly run through a super-saturated sci-fi/skate-punk/psychedelic perception filter. In a record scratch, figures become their own negative, the bucolic suburban rambler is beset by pink flamingos or giant redwoods, and the world beyond the abandoned skatepark erupts into deadly flame.

【活動 Activites】


地點:Tacoma Dome
時間:1 p.m. / 6 p.m./ 7 p.m.

MonsterJam®三重威脅系列™ 已經準備就緒!由AMSOIL 呈獻,這系列不但會令觀眾的腎上腺素上升,更是一個非同凡享的家庭賽車運動體驗。西雅圖,作為全國各地特定城市其中一站,擁有最極端的Monster Jam運動員以基於點數的格式互相格鬥,展示了Monster Jam車輛的最佳陣容。無論你是忠實擁躉與否,都能看到更多的卡車、競賽項目、自由花式和摩托車特技。與其他怪獸卡車活動不同,這三重威脅系列是耐力,多功能性和駕駛技巧的最終測試!透過七個獨特的耐力賽中駕駛三種不同的車輛包括卡車、跑車和地形運輸車,對伍會在速度及花式上爭奪冠軍,把自己和車驅推到極限。

Monster Jam Triple Threat Series

When: Jan. 10 – 12
Where: Tacoma Dome
Time: 1 p.m. / 6 p.m./ 7 p.m.

The 2020 Monster Jam season kicked off the new decade with a trio of cities hosting the Triple Threat Series with non-stop action. Triple Threat Series West made a traditional season-opening stop at the Vivint Smart Home Arena in Salt Lake City. Brandon Vinson (Grave Digger®) captured the first two event championships, but Tristan England (EarthShaker®) prevented the sweep by winning the final event. On Saturday afternoon, Vinson completed the first-ever backflip in Salt Lake City to the delight of the crowd. Bari Musawwir (Zombie™) adding a Racing win and Freestyle victory for a solid weekend.

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