文 | Susie
疫情之下,隨著蝦圖人回應政府號召積極進行social distancing, 已經有不止一家餐廳在本已艱難的經營狀態下難以為繼,決定關張大吉,其中包括大家熟悉的 Arriba Cantina 和 Local 360。然而與此同時,在州長Jay Inslee 周日宣佈關於關閉全州餐廳酒吧的公告之後,一些依舊開業的餐廳在開始極籌措開展外賣外送服務(緊急公告下依然允許)。設想很美好,現實卻冰冷,運費可比原材料貴多了…所以,拚命開張外送的餐飲店還需要我們的大力支持呀! 此文後續會持續更新,畢竟特殊時期選擇站好最後一班崗,努力搞外賣的小可愛餐廳們值得被大家看到,更何況他們還有幽默感創意十足的促銷策略呢!
La Dive 週二起推出下單即送一卷廁紙的優惠活動!來一瓶他家的Vermouth, sherry,或是 White Claw,搭配特色自製麵包和冰凍餃子,就是一個完美的居家隔離菜單!在instagram上面消息店家安排送餐即可哦。
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we’re open from 12-6p tuesday-saturday for takeout service and delivery! *𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!* we’re offering our natural, biodynamic and organic bottles starting at $10! delivery is available for orders of $75 or more, and we can customize a great selection for you, or you can choose your favorites. in addition to grabbing wine to-go, you can also get white claw, vermouth + sherry to keep your home bar properly prepped throughout the quarantine. swipe left to check out our current wine list! as far as snacks go, chef david will also offer loaves of fresh, housemade bread $6, and our amazing dumplings (choose pork/potato/combo, they’re frozen for transport) that you can cook at home $9/dozen. also, starting today we’ve got some other beloved la dive bites to help you get through: david’s chicken liver mousse: $8/4oz jar mix + match snacks: $8/lb – cucumber salad – potato salad – hot pepper cheese spread – pickled beets lastly, because we love you from head to toe, every purchase comes with the rarest resource around: a roll of toilet paper! let’s keep our chins up, friends — we can’t wait to get through this together! ⚡️ #ladiveseattle note: to place a delivery order, please dm us through instagram. ❤️
A post shared by la dive (@ladiveseattle) on Mar 18, 2020 at 3:24pm PDT
Guerilla Pizza Kitchen 這家主攻快閃的披薩餐廳在Instagram 上宣佈將在3.20 週五推出一項“自由支付” 的披薩熱賣活動。$0 也好,$100也好,只要你能叉得起披薩,都能飽餐一頓。本次活動的收益將分別收入 Ballard Food Bank 和 Seattle Hospitality Emergency Fund。
更多購買,領取和下單資訊 (包括下單選擇和每人限購資訊) 請點擊查看其Ins。
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Hey. You there. We still have tickets to our dinner @coyotecentral tomorrow evening with all of our favorite things: WEIRD PIZZA, beans, bitter greens, @stellafindstruffles garden tomatoes, roasted peppers, squishy plums. If you don't know Coyote Central well, firstly, they are awesome. Secondly, they provide valuable arts programs for underserved youth. Dancing, cooking, music, pottery, they do it all. Link is in the bio and if not this one then the next, check out their website and see what they're all about. We'd love to feed you and see you there. ✌ #pizza #pizzapunks #GPKSeattle
A post shared by Guerilla Pizza Kitchen (@guerillapizzakitchen) on Sep 9, 2019 at 3:40pm PDT
Ba Bar 推出了電話外賣8折活動,不管是 Capitol Hill (206-328-2030) 的分店, 還是South Lake Union (206-623-2711), 或者 University Village (206-328-1112) ,只要在電話上說明是店取或者路邊領取(到達時撥打店內電話) 就好。
另外,Suika (206-747-9595), Tamari Bar (206-979-8800), 和 Rondo Japanese Kitchen (206-588-2051) Pegasus Pizza (206-932-4849, 優惠碼 ALKI ) 也都推出了外賣訂單享8折的活動。
Monsoon Seattle (206-325-2111) 和Bellevue (425-635-1112) 提供電話外賣訂單享7折的優惠。可以電話告知店員店內自取或是路邊取單。
Uneeda Burger 也加入了電話點單,路邊取單的隊伍。只要撥打電話 (206-547-2600) 或者網上下單,然後打到店內告知單號,姓名,車輛型號和顏色即可請求路邊取單。
Urbane (206-695-1234) 推出了$45的套餐,下午5點前電話下單,第二天即可享用美味晚餐。菜單每天都有更新,可去其Instagram 查看更新。
Metropolitan Grill 和 Elliott’s Oyster House 提供免費配送晚餐和酒品的業務。Check out the order forms here (點此鏈接查看點單表格),通過郵件(pdr@e3restaurantgroup.com) 填寫,或者電話(206-624-3287) 遞交即可。Metropolitan Grill 即日起至4.15推出了堂食買一送一的優惠活動。而Elliott’s 則推出了本月生蠔全天$2 的 happy hour 促銷。
Kimpton restaurants Tulio (206-624-5500), Outlier (206-624-7755), Bookstore Bar and Cafe (206-624-3646), 以及 Shaker and Spear (206-826-1700) 都推出了電話訂單享8折,以及買禮卡即送25%的促銷活動 ($100的禮卡變$125)。
懷念以前每天上班路上來一杯的冷萃? Finca 本月推出了32oz 冷萃買2送1的活動 (那可是$32就能享用96oz 優質咖啡),以及$1.99 就能隔天收到的配送服務 (通常一週一送)。結賬時使用優惠碼 #WFH 就好。
Mamnoon 以及其姐妹店面 Mamnoon Street 和 Anar 推出即日起至5.31 購買禮卡即送20%的促銷活動 ($100的禮卡變$120)。
Addo 推出了$95 即可購買 3套備餐+ 1瓶酒的套餐,自取或宅送都可,而且可以持續訂購服務。
Canlis 計畫變身為蝦圖居民應對疫情的一站式食品供應站。自下周起,該店將關閉店鋪,派遣店員們駐紮蝦圖最繁忙的停車場。早上可以順路來一個bagel, 午飯晚飯可以點個漢堡和 veggie melts, 統統都能 drive through 完成。週三開始,可供全家食用的家庭套餐和一瓶酒品也可以送貨到家啦。
Art of the Table 推出了$60 一套的家庭外賣套餐 (香草烤雞外加烤胡蘿蔔和Kale,以及Beecher’s 芝士通心粉),下午4點後都可取餐。訂餐電話 206-282-0942。
Pioneer Square D&E (206-445-7472) 推出點餐自取8折優惠。
Dough Zone Dumpling House 推出了即日起至3.20 Caviar (App) 外賣點單滿$50 減$10的優惠服務 (優惠碼DZ10)
La Messe (206-402-6106) 推出了外賣訂單優惠活動 (前菜以及通心粉只要$25)。其他 General Harvest 餐廳也提供電話訂單外送服務 (即日起到3.29)。
Marseille 本週四和週五中午至下午5點提供免費送酒上門服務 (需Instagram 下單, 訂單滿$80)。
Champion Wine Cellars 也在本週末提供市區免費送酒服務 (購買6瓶及以上酒品)。更多資訊請參考其官網。
Trophy Cupcakes 在一些地區提供免費的送餐服務 (原價$20的哦),好奇的寶寶們可以撥打206-632-7020, 分號 1。
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Hey Seattle Friends, Wow! What a crazy week 😭 But, we truly believe we will get through this together, especially if we all Pay it Forward! As you may have heard, we are seriously struggling to keep Trophy Cupcakes afloat (along with just about every other small business in Seattle). We are still doing free no-contact delivery, but with shops closed it’s not enough. While sharing our plight with our community, a friend asked if they could buy cupcakes to “Pay it Forward”. We thought, WOW! 🤩 if those in our community, who had the means to do so, purchased cupcakes that we could then deliver to non-profits serving those who need it most…they would be helping small business AND our community. So, WE JUMPED INTO ACTION and are partnering with @marysplacewa , @_farestart Jewish Family Services @jfs_seattle @_farestart and local food banks this week…and we hope that they are just the beginning! ✔️How can you help? Share this post, tell your friends, and if possible, purchase from our "Pay It Forward Collection" … we will do the rest by delivering the Pay it Forward cupcakes to the non-profits on the best day for them to distribute them safely to those they serve. ❤️Everyone deserves a fun activity when there's no school, a birthday celebration when times are hard, or a small treat to brighten their day. You’ll be directly supporting Trophy Cupcakes stay in business AND directly helping our underserved communities, especially families and children. We think this is a WIN! WIN! What’s more? For every dozen that is purchased through the Trophy Pay It Forward Campaign, we will donate a dozen cupcakes to a local non-profit in the coming year – when we are back on our feet! A Pay it Forward Cupcake Match?! YOU BET, we promise to pay it forward too! So, please help by purchasing and/or spreading the word, and let’s see how many cupcakes we can deliver to our community in the coming weeks TOGETHER…because everyone needs a little JOY right now! Thank you so much for your support! And thank you @hsiaochingchou for the wonderful inspiration!!! 🙌 To order-*link in profile #wegotthisseattle #payitforward #helpingothers #payitforwardseattle
A post shared by Trophy Cupcakes (@trophycupcakes) on Mar 17, 2020 at 7:26pm PDT
Theo Chocolate 推出了名為“Theo-To-Go”的新活動。每天上午10:30到下午5點, 網上下單或者電話(206-809-8373) 預約,就可以在其Fremont的旗艦店路邊自取,或者下單滿 $20, 即可花$5 享受送餐上們服務。(住在Fremont 或者Ballard的朋友可免費送餐)。