牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 在继续前进之前,也许你也需要花些时间重新回顾下自己的过去。如果你不能正确的评论自己的过去,那么你很难有信心去迎接新的挑战。
Aries Before you move forward, you need to take a few steps back. Only after you are able to evaluate the past will you be able to go into the future with confidence. It may seem like a waste of time, but trust that it is for the best. |
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 如果你已经习以为常的依靠某些人那么本周得注意了,因为他们可能会突然间改变主意。面对这样的情况,你只能让自己变得耐心点。
Taurus Someone you have been relying on for information will be suddenly changing his or her mind. The facts have been changed, so you need to take your time and be patient with the changing circumstances. |
双子座 5/21 – 6/20 事情总是在发生著变化,你现在必须要意识到,有些东西的性质可能已经发生了改变。现在是时候重新评估自己的现状了。
Gemini When you are still working under an older objective a while ago, you have to realize what was true then may not be true anymore. This is a time for you to evaluate your situation and make a new path with yourself. |
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 你现在可能会感到有些沮丧,因为你觉得自己非但停滞不前,而且离自己的梦想越来越远。不要为此感到烦恼,有时,小小的退步也是通向成功道路上必须的一步。
Cancer Your dreams are important to you and right now you are frustrated because these dreams seem to be standing still. They will probably even be moving backward. Don’t get down on yourself for this. Realize that this backward movement is part of the process. |
狮子座7/23 – 8/22 你喜欢朝着大目标努力,不过本周你可能会觉得自己非但没有接近目标,反而离它越来越远。不过不用担心,从长远来看,这也是对你的一种帮助。
Leo You like to work toward a larger goal. This week marks the start of a period in which you feel like you are far away from that goal. Don’t worry. The insight you gain through this process will help you in the long run. |
处女座8/23 – 9/22 最近无聊的生活可能会让你感到有些不安。也许你可以从自己的「白日梦」中获得些灵感。好好的思考一下,也许这些灵感最终会实现的。
Virgo You will feel tense because of current boring life. You can try to gain inspiration from morning daydreaming. Consider it carefully in this week. You probably will want to go for it. |
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 过去一周各类压力的累积让你感觉自己好像要爆炸了一般。也许在不经意间,你会将这样的负面的情绪发泄到了那些和你很亲近的人身上。
Libra You probably will feel like you’re about to explode because of tension built up last week. If you aren’t careful, you might take it out on those closest to you. |
天蝎座10/23 – 11/21 可能你觉得自己手头上的工作因为自己无法控制的原因造成了延误。别太纠结于此,木已成舟,找些别的事情来做,这样也许可以缓解你的心情。
Scorpio A task you always want to complete will probably be delayed for some reasons beyond your control. Don’t obsess over it. It isn’t your fault. Find something else to do so that you can divert your attention. |
射手座11/22 – 12/21 有的时候,改变对你而言并不是件容易的事情,因为这可能就要求你和过去的某些生活方式说再见。然而,你要改变。
Sagittarius Over the past few years you have been aware that both you and your chosen life path are changing. This is not easy for you, because it sometimes means saying goodbye to parts of yourself. But sometimes you need to change. |
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 你可能会计划去听一场演讲,然而演讲者的演说可能并没有给你带来许多有用的讯息。不过有时,你也能从中获取些讯息。所以好好听一下也无妨。
Capricorn You probably are planning to hear a lecture or speech this week. Don’t be surprised if the speaker won’t give out useful information. But sometimes the information can be valuable too, so listen. |
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 生活中某些方面的平衡感似乎已经消失了,而这对你的事业也开始产生了负面的影响。必须要开始重视这个问题。
Aquarius You are probably out of balance in a certain area of your life and this is having a negative effect on your career. You need to take a look at this now. |
双鱼座2/19 – 3/20 你可能一直沉浸在一个幻想的世界里,但是现在,一切都被打破了。是时候面对事实了。现在你需要重新评估自己的处境。
Pisces Bubbles that you were living in will be popped. It seems that you have been traveling along in your fantasy world, but now you should face the true reality of the situation. It is time to re-evaluate your position. |