牡羊座 3/21 – 4/19 生活中可能会出现一个大转变,而你似乎已经准备就绪。不过你仍需仔细想想自己究竟需要些什么。另外要注意下健康的问题。多吃些蔬菜沙拉,多参加下运动吧。
Aries It seems that you’re ready for a major change in your life. But you still need to think carefully about what you really want to do. You may simply want to begin working on your health a bit more.
金牛座 4/20 – 5/20 你头脑敏锐,而且总能吸收大量的新的讯息。不过这个星期,过多的讯息量可能会让你有种不堪重负的感觉。别让自己太累了,好好休息放松一下吧。
Taurus You have a keen mind and are always absorbing new bits of information. This week, however, even your considerable brain may be taxed beyond its limits. Consider taking the evening off from intellectual pursuits. There is something to be said for passive entertainment.
双子座 5/21 – 6/20 这个星期你精力充沛,不过你仍然需要保持小心谨慎的态度。你很有可能会做出错误的选择和决定。所以不要轻易下结论,有问题的话先去请教下朋友们吧。
Gemini You have a great deal of energy this week, but be careful with it. There is a danger for your ideas to be misguided or misdirected in some way. Don’t make any major changes in plans until you have consulted several others in your field.
巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22 最近的工作状态可能会让你开始变得谨慎起来,这也会让你无法接触到那些富有创意的工作方式。本周你可以花些时间好好想想,也许你就会寻找到自己需要的答案。
Cancer In your constant effort to stay grounded and practical with regard to your current work situation, you may have lost touch with the creative, whimsical side of the equation. Use this week to let your mind go. You will find the answers in the clouds.
狮子座7/23 – 8/22 本周你可能需要忙于处理各类的讯息。别奢望能完成他人的布置给自己的任务,因为你根本无法完成。
Leo You may find yourself overwhelmed with information this week. Both your voice mailbox and your e-mail box could be full up. It seems everyone needs a piece of you. Don’t try and accomplish everything that people expect of you; it simply isn’t possible.
处女座8/23 – 9/22 你是一个梦想家,所以不要去理会那些试图把你拉回现实世界的人。如果周围的人要求你变得更实际一些,你可以大声的告诉他们,爱因斯坦也是个梦想家。
Virgo You are a dreamer at heart. So let yourself dream this week. Disregard those who try to bring you back down to Earth. If people say you need to be more grounded and practical in order to be successful, remind them that Einstein was a dreamer, too.
天秤座9/23 – 10/22 温故而知新,好好做一下总结,你会在过去的经验中学到很多。在总结了之后再去开始制定新的计划,这也会帮助你更好的认清局势。
Libra Do not make your next big career move until you have taken the time to look back and reflect on where you have been and what you have done. Review the mistakes you have made — both short-term and long-term so that you don’t make these mistakes again.
天蝎座10/23 – 11/21 这星期是一个相当好的时机你可以将自己的创造力融入到工作中。你是一个很有创造力的人,所以不要浪费这一个才能。好好做些计划。
Scorpio This week is a good week to reflect on how you can infuse more of your artistic talent into your career. Make sure that you do not let your incredible creative talent go to waste. Make a plan as to how you can make this happen.
射手座11/22 – 12/21 本周你会觉得自己在工作方面有些失去了平衡。这可能是因为你开始意识到自己对目前的工作情况并不感到满意。不过,因为意识到了这个问题,你也可以开始做出积极的改变了。
Sagittarius You are off balance this week with regard to your career. You realize that the bottom line is that you are not emotionally satisfied through your work. Be more conscious of this in order to manifest change.
山羊座12/22 – 1/19 这个星期你可能会做出一个对你的事业产生巨大影响的决定,不过你要注意,千万不要过度分析自己的处境,你必须要相信自己的直觉。
Capricorn This week you are wrestling with an important decision that will have a dramatic effect on the future of your career. Try not to over-analyze your position. The bottom line is that you need to trust your intuition and go with your heart.
水瓶座1/20 – 2/18 你可能觉得自己需要完成很多工作,这也让你感到了压力。你要记得慢工出细活这句话,有些事情急不得。
Aquarius You may be feeling under a bit of pressure to get a lot of work done. But some projects, especially those that require creativity, simply can’t be rushed. You will find that if you take your time and allow your muse to work its magic, you will produce something of real merit in the end.
双鱼座2/19 – 3/20 你才华横溢,而且能力很强,但你也不是超人,仍然有许多事情是超过你能力范围的。所以不要给自己太多的任务,将精力集中在一两个任务上就好了。
Pisces You have so many talents and such a range of abilities that sometimes it’s hard for you to know where to devote your efforts. Don’t make your usual mistake of trying to do everything. Even you have your limits.
