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一周星座运势 Your Weekly Horoscope Aug 30 – Sep 5

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白羊座 3/21 – 4/19

When the sun sets tonight, count the number of things you got done and pat yourself on the back instead of thinking of all the things that you still have left to do.

金牛座 4/20 – 5/20

When relations and situations get difficult, you are likely to enter “panic mode” and start making rash and hasty decisions. Be careful because this sort of reckless action will only get you into deeper trouble. Consult others before taking action.

双子座 5/21 – 6/20

A friend might be feeling a little depressed this week and need some cheering up. Social events or group activities could be of great help in doing that, and it would do you some good as well. Interacting with a group could take up a lot of your time and concentration, but take care not to get too tired.

巨蟹座 6/21 – 7/22

Turning your attention to other matters will not make the difficult ones go away. You might as well face your obstacles head on. Be open to creating a friendly and cooperative dialogue at all times. Doing so will make the day go much more smoothly.

狮子座7/23 – 8/22

Sometimes even you suffer because you don’t allow yourself to do the things you like best and the things that help you feel fulfilled as a person. Why don’t you think about going easier on yourself, just for this week? Try it – you might like it.

处女座8/23 – 9/22

Time will tell whether you are right or wrong, but for now, assume that you are right. Continue on with the faith that you are on the right track and that you are headed toward your true destiny. Confidence from others will help you at this time.

天秤座9/23 – 10/22

A lack of communication with an unhappy family member could have you feeling a little downhearted. You might wonder if you’ve done something to offend this person. Chances are you haven’t. The best way to handle situations like this is to encourage the person to communicate with you.

天蝎座10/23 – 11/21

If you need to ask someone a favor, he or she will be reluctant to help you: but not if you are tactful. Give this person a compliment first. A genuine compliment will work best. Then put in your request. You will receive the desired results.

射手座11/22 – 12/21

People are going to be especially long-winded this week, and you particularly. Be sensitive to those who may have other things on their mind than just listening to you ramble on. Make sure you have a receptive audience before you take the stage.

山羊座12/22 – 1/19

A gloomy guest could arrive this week, and likely need some cheering up. Do the best you can, but don’t try to do it by cooking a meal. The results of your efforts might not be all that exciting. This is a great day to go for fast food. Take your friend to a movie, concert, or art gallery. This could get your mind off his or her troubles and your mind off your friend.

水瓶座1/20 – 2/18


Some rather depressing information could come your way, Aquarius, but don’t take it at face value. It might not be as bad as it seems. Check the facts before making yourself crazy. This isn’t a good week for visiting or running errands in your neighborhood, as the traffic could be a nightmare.

双鱼座2/19 – 3/20

Gloom over money matters might catch up with you at some point this week. However, there’s nothing really major to worry about. Financially, your business affairs should be going well, so you’re probably doing better than you think. A little caution might be in order, especially regarding impulse buying or purchasing luxuries.

Your Horoscope for the week of Nov.3 - Nov. 9

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