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2016年度最价廉物美汽车 日产Murano再度上榜

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Since the introduction of the third-generation design for the last model year, the Nissan Murano has experienced record sales – up 30 percent through the first 11 months of calendar year 2015 – thanks to its concept car-like styling, premium interior and advanced, purposeful technology. For 2016, Murano remains virtually unchanged.   Like the original Murano, the latest version is a highly sculptural, highly emotional design – one that stands out in a field known more for uniformity and utility-based styling.   Working to capture the breathtaking spirit and artistry of the first Murano, the designers began by concentrating on the vehicle’s sculptural qualities. Breaking the usual order of sketching, computer renderings and then clay modeling, the Murano team started working with small three-dimensional clay forms – literally exploring organic shapes and volumes with mini desktop sculptures. The process helped narrow down a new Nissan design direction focused on lightness and efficiency.

连续第二年,日产Murano再度荣登U.S. News & World Report之【最价廉物美汽车】榜。Murano更被推崇为23类名车中之【最佳之两排运动休闲车】。

挑选2016年Murano之际,U.S. News & World Report编辑表示,「虽然日产Murano在其同类型车款中价廉物美,但其内部极为高档,令人有意外惊喜。乘客座位绝不比豪华运动休闲车逊色,其座位极其舒服,而且所有的科技功能更容易使用。综观所有这些强项,自然不难想像为甚么Murano是买家及其预算的首选。

U.S. News & World Report的排名榜乃基于安全、可靠性、业界专家们一致同意的意见、以及价值等与各种车辆比较, 而所谓价值则以量度五年之总拥有成本及当公布排名名单时支付该车辆的平均价为准。

「自我们于2015年推出全部重新设计的第三代Murano,全新Murano之销售量业已傲视同侪,」日产首席市场推广经理及市场推广营运部副总裁Dan Mohnke表示。「Murano 不但好评如潮,2015年销售额更增加百分之33 而2016年1月之销售额则已增加百分之46。」

2016 年日产 Murano简介

2016年Murano 不但是日产一系列作风大胆的跨界休闲车种和运动休闲车种引而为傲的车种,更表现了日产的先进设计方向 — 包括其V-motion车头、LED 回力棒车灯,以及独特的V-motion 【流线型】车顶。

令人惊艳的外型设计延伸到车内,由精致的仪表板、低置控制台、先进零重力前座位及偏外的后座位、由大型车窗所创造的宽倘氛围、以及超大车顶全景天窗Power Panoramic Moonroof,一览无遗。

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