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【看节庆 Festival】

时间:6 pm-9 pm
地点:The Draft Sports酒吧与餐厅

依照每年十月份的慕尼黑啤酒节与图拉利普度假赌场的习俗,此度假赌场的厨师团队成功设计了它们独有的结合图拉利普与慕尼黑的第一年度图拉利普啤酒节。斟酒服务员Tom Thompson与行政大厨Perry Mascitti将展示道地的德国餐点,并提供进口与本地由慕尼黑啤酒节所启发的各类啤酒。门票价格为每人45美元,参与此活动的民众必须是21岁以上。

Taste of Tulalip Oktoberfest
When: September 22
Time: 6 pm-9 pm
Where: The Draft Sports Bar and Grill Patio

Holding true to Tulalip Resort Casino fashion, the culinary team will draw from the original Munich Oktoberfest for their first annual Taste of Tulalip Oktoberfest on Friday, September 22 from 6 pm to 9 pm at The Draft Sports Bar and Grill Patio. Sommelier Tom Thompson and Executive Chef Perry Mascitti will showcase authentic German dishes along with imported, local, and domestic Oktoberfest inspired beer at the enjoyable Taste of Tulalip celebration. Tickets are priced at $45 per person, ages 21 and over.


【看庆典 Festival】

时间:10 am-7 pm

于西雅图中心举办的意大利庆典将是喜爱参与庆典的民众的一大享宴。到此参与的民众将可以游览一系列经典意大利车款,欣赏许多由意大利启发的艺术作品,参加传统意大利狗种的游行活动。不仅如此,民众还有机会一睹大约一千张记录早期意大利移民们的历史照片。在9月22日的晚间七点,此庆典也将举办意大利风味葡萄酒品尝仪式。伴随着Danny Quintero的音乐,民众可尝试超过70款意大利葡萄酒。

Seattle Center Festál: The Italian Festival
When: September 23-24
Time: 10 am-7 pm
Where: Seattle Center Armory, Fisher Pavilion & Seattle Center Pavilion

Festival-goers may explore a collection of classic Italian vehicles; an exhibit of works inspired by Italy; an exhibit, show and parade of traditional Italian dog breeds; and over 1,000 photographs of Seattle’s earliest Italian immigrants. The festival also presents a Taste of Italy™ Wine Tasting and Opening Reception, 7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 22, in the Armory. The tasting event feature music by Danny Quintero, over 70 Italian wines, hors d’oeuvres and antipasti from Big John’s PFI. Tickets are $25 per person for this 21 and older event.


【看舞蹈 Dance】

时间:9/22, 6:30 pm,9/23, 2:00 pm,9/23-30, 7:30 pm,10/1, 1:00 pm

《珠宝》被视为著名编舞家巴兰钦最精彩的其中一部芭蕾舞剧。由三个个体芭蕾(Emeralds, Rubies, Diamonds)组成,《珠宝》是喜爱舞蹈的民众必看的一个表演。《Emeralds》有着加布里埃尔福莱的浪漫作曲,非常适合太平洋西北芭蕾舞团首席舞者Noelani Pantastico的舞蹈风格。夹在其中的《Rubies》则有着伊戈尔斯特拉文斯基奔放的作曲,此编舞非常挑战舞者的耐力与运动才能。最后上演的《Diamonds》混合了前面两者的浪漫与奔放气息,虽然较为优美,它还是对于舞者的足尖技巧有着极大的要求。如此混合的舞码非常适合舞蹈初学者以及对芭蕾已极为熟悉的观众观赏。

When: September 22-October 1
Time: Sep 22, 6:30 pm / Sep 23, 2:00 pm / Sep 23-30, 7:30 pm / Oct 1, 1:00 pm
Where: McCaw Hall

Considered one of Balanchine’s greatest ballets, Jewels is a masterpiece of escapism designed to showcase a company’s best dancers. Fauré’s rich, romantic music drives the opener, “Emeralds.” The dance’s tone matches Stranger Genius nominee Noelani Pantastico’s style perfectly, so you’ll want to try to catch her in the lead role during the first weekend. The middle piece, “Rubies,” is a stunner. Stravinsky’s wild music has the principals moving nonstop and performing feats of athleticism every fifteen seconds. “Diamonds,” kinda combines the two. It’s lovely and elegant but requires lots of fancy footwork. In general, the show’s a great starting point for ballet virgins and a treat for veterans. Little tip: On September 29th PNB’s doing a casual “Beer and Ballet” performance. You can find some main floor tickets on that day for $39.

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