【看展览 Show】
时间:周六,10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. / 周日,10:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Seattle Wedding Show
When: January 13th-14th
Time: Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. / Sunday, 10:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Where: Washington State Convention & Trade Center
Info: https://weddingshow.com/
Seattle Wedding Show is the largest wedding show on the West Coast, featuring hundreds of local, regional and national vendors under one roof. Seattle Wedding Show 2018 will showcase a wide range of products and services related to wedding & bridal sectors from the leading exhibitors such as accommodations, beauty, cosmetics, skincare, bridal headpieces, gowns, cake, bakery, ceremony music, ceremony site, florist, catering, formal wear, honeymoon, transportation, officiants, wedding gown cleaning. Exhibitor profile of this event includes event facilities, bakeries, bridal boutiques, caterers, disc jockeys, florists, jewelers, photographers, transportation providers, wedding consultants. The approximate number of exhibitors that will exhibit at this event is over 400.
【看舞蹈 Dance】
时间:周五至周六,8 p.m.
继《Giselle Deconstruct》首演的巨大成功,The Three Yells舞团将再次将这部舞剧带上舞台。根据著名芭蕾舞剧《吉赛尔》所改编,《Giselle Deconstruct》运用现代舞来表现这部舞剧的疯狂,死亡,真爱,悲伤,报复等经典主题,并流转于极为控制的动作与近乎运动的多样舞步。此舞团的艺术总监兼此舞剧的编舞家Veronica Lee-Baik表示这部舞剧与原版的一大区别是女主角吉赛尔不是因悲伤过度导致心脏停止而死亡的,而是因为自杀。因美国,以及其他国家,都面临着青年人自杀身亡数量的增加,许多女生都因贫穷,传统等原因选择自杀,她希望通过这部舞剧表现出女性的自由与强大。
Giselle Deconstruct
When: January 12th-13th
Time: Friday-Saturday, 8 p.m.
Where: Cornish Playhouse
Info: https://www.thethreeyells.com/news
Premiered to a robust reception earlier this year, The Three Yells is excited to bring this powerful work back to the stage. Giselle Deconstruct is a reduction of the ballet Giselle to its constituent parts of madness, death, spirits, true love, grief, revenge, traditions, and reinterpreted through contemporary dance weaving between the playful and grotesques, and juxtaposed between slow hyper-controlled motion with athleticism. Young women in parts of South East Asia are some of the most disempowered and marginalized people in the world. Like Giselle, it is stifling traditions, poverty, and unrequited love, that drive these young girls to end their lives. Currently, in the US, suicide is on the rise especially amongst our teens, young adults and girls. Giselle Deconstruct aims to transcend the feeling of female degradation to liberation and empowerment through movement.
【看展出 Exhibition】
Jun Ahn的边缘世界
从1月8日起,《Jun Ahn的边缘世界》照片展览于西雅图的西北摄影中心开始。来自南韩的Jun Ahn的摄影作品已在多国展出,也获得许多观赏者的评价。此次的展出将是她在美国西岸的首个一人展览。展出的所有摄影作品都深度探索了人的刚强与弱点,幻境与真实等两面并存的议题。通过拍摄出Jun Ahn在大楼顶端边缘的画面,这一系列深深的挑战观赏者的视觉与恐惧。大多摄影作品都展现出Jun Ahn坐在大楼边缘或从窗户倾身而出等画面,其中一些由她自行拍摄,其他的则由旁人代劳。观赏此系列的大家能够通过大楼顶端看到纽约,首尔,以及香港的顶楼景色。
Jun Ahn: On the Verge
When: Through March 24st
Time: Monday-Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
Where: Photographic Center Northwest
Info: http://pcnw.org/gallery/jun-ahn-on-the-verge/
Starting on January 8th, ‘Jun Ahn: On the Verge’ is on display in Photographic Center Northwest. South Korean photographer Jun Ahn’s provocative self-portraits have been exhibited and reviewed internationally. This exhibition will be her first solo exhibition on the west coast, and it explores the relationships between strength and vulnerability, illusion and reality. In this exhibition, her self-portraits all depict Ahn on or near the top of skyscrapers, In many cases, she has been leaning from a window or seated on a ledge. They are taken either from a first-person perspective, with her legs dangling into space, or by someone else who is taking photographs from a side window or above her head. Most of the photos are taken in New York and Seoul, but some are taken in Hong Kong.