【看表演 Show】
The Illusionists 魔术团队,准备在本月15到18日,于西雅图的第五大道剧院举行他们的巡回演出。表演包含了各种精彩刺激的场面,神奇得让你摸不著头脑的魔术表演,冒着生命危险的特技,还有惊人的奇幻演出。The Illusionists 更打破了全球票房,成功吸引了来自世界各地的观众,让他们也赞叹魔术的奇妙。他们是五位富有极高天份和才华的顶级魔术师,他们令人惊讶得哑口无言和兴奋的表演令在场各位都拍手叫好。他们每个人也是擅长于不同范畴的大师,成员包括:Jeff Hobson, Kevin James, Colin Cloud, An Ha Liml, 和Jonathan Goodwin。The Illusionists的制作人,Simon Painter更表示:「我们每人都迫不及待要为西雅图的观众献上表演,希望能带给西雅图这个大家庭一些真正令人享受的娱乐。The Illusionists 整个团队可谓是在现场舞台看到最令人惊叹的惊人动作表演。」自2001年,数个西雅图的本地团体已于该剧院演出超过18套舞台剧。剧院的特别之处是,它的装潢灵感源于中国建筑,别具风味,让每个观众可以更加享受台上的精彩表演。
The Illusionists – Live From Broadway
When: March 15th – 18th
Time: 8 p.m.
Where: The 5th Avenue Theatre
Info: https://www.theillusionistslive.com/tour/north-america
THE ILLUSIONISTS – LIVE FROM BROADWAY™ is produced by Simon Painter, Tim Lawson and MagicSpace Entertainment. Conceived by Simon Painter, the show’s creative team also includes executive producer Tim Lawson, director Neil Dorward and creative director Jim Millan. Full of hilarious magic tricks, death-defying stunts and acts of breathtaking wonder, THE ILLUSIONISTS has shattered box office records worldwide and thrilled audiences of all ages with a mind-blowing spectacular showcasing the jaw-dropping talents of five of the most incredible illusionists on earth. Creative Producer Simon Painter said, “We can’t wait to bring this electrifying show to Seattle for a truly entertaining experience for the whole family. THE ILLUSIONISTS is the most non-stop and powerful mix of outrageous and astonishing acts ever to be seen on the live stage.” The five stars, each a master in their own field, are: The Trickster, Jeff Hobson; The Inventor, Kevin James; The Deductionist, Colin Cloud; The Manipulator, An Ha Lim; The Daredevil, Jonathan Goodwin.
【听音乐 Music Performance】
北京酷儿合唱团,原名三棱减一合唱团,于2008年在北京同志中心成立,目前有大约30名正式演员和超过100名成员,他们是最先参加国际同志合唱节的两支亚洲合唱团之一。北京酷儿合唱团的其中24名成员将于当晚在西雅图进行一场音乐会,与当地声乐合唱团Captain Smartypants 和Sensible Shoes一同进行安排的表演节目。此外, 8月下旬,波特兰同志男合唱团将与北京酷儿合唱团一起前往中国,在四个城市进行表演。乐团接触不同音乐,从古典音乐到民谣,爵士,流行音乐等各种各样的曲目,合唱团的目标是挑战社会中的音乐文化,同时为其成员提供一个社交网络。合唱团实行开放获取政策,允许任何人加入。表演的个人门票为$25,家庭门票或情侣门票为$40,前往人士可于教堂的正门购买。
Beijing Queer Chorus
When: March 10th
Time: 7:30 p.m
Where: East Shore Unitarian Church
Info: https://www.facebook.com/BeijingQueerChorus/
The chorus was founded in October 2008 as the Shining Jazzy Chorus. Every year, they perform an annual anniversary concert. The Beijing Queer Chorus were the hit of the GALA Chorus Festival in 2016. They performed 5 times during the festival; three times on their own, and twice with other choruses. The experience of being at an international LGBT choral event was life-changing and mind-blowing for the members. They returned to China with a whole new idea of what was possible for them, and a new commitment to help the LGBTQ citizens in Beijing and beyond life safer, happier lives. The chorus experienced major growth, doubling in size, and greatly increasing the number of public performances. They presented a show over two evenings a month ago; both nights were sold out. A web channel called Vice filmed a rehearsal and part of the performance; the video has been seen by 3 million people so far, and the number is growing. The Beijing Queer Chorus is having a first-hand experience of how powerful it can be to be 100% authentic in life, and how music can be the perfect bridge to greater understanding.
【嘉年华 Carnival】
Bacon Eggs & Kegs美食嘉年华
地点:CenturyLink Field
Bacon Eggs & Kegs将在3月17日和18日于西雅图CenturyLink Field举行,让一众爱喝酒的人士,带着詹姆森爱尔兰威士忌,一同参加这个在圣帕特里克节的周末活动。他们诚邀各位参与这个西雅图最受欢迎的盛宴,享受来自40家啤酒厂,超过80种不同啤酒和苹果酒的口味。 Bacon Eggs&Kegs的门票包括饮料门票(啤酒,苹果酒,含羞草,血腥玛丽,爱尔兰咖啡等),以及21岁以上的CenturyLink Field的5美元早午餐,DJ音乐,钢琴表演和草坪游戏。Bacon Eggs & Kegs很荣幸邀请到不同的地道手工啤酒厂来参与活动,届时可品尝一下巧克力牛奶酒,蓝莓苹果酒,柑橘和甜橙酒,奶油啤酒和更多不同选择。会场会有早午餐类型的美食,不同种类的酒,唱歌和跳舞,还有游戏!在场会有数十种由不同餐厅供应的摊位美食,如墨西哥卷饼,夹饼,华夫饼,各种三文治,饼干,英式早餐等。注意活动年龄限于21以上人士参加。如果阳光充足,他们将会在外面放置野餐桌和食物卡车。周六门票40美元,周日门票35美元。
Bacon Eggs & Kegs
When: March 17th – 18th
Time: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Where: CenturyLink Field
Info: https://www.baconeggsandkegs.com/
A Bacon Eggs and Kegs returns on March 17 & 18 for one epic St. Patrick’s Day Weekend with Jameson Irish Whiskey! Join us for Seattle’s favorite brunchy booze fest at CenturyLink Field! Enjoy tastes of over 80 different beers and ciders from 40 breweries! Home of the 30 Ft Bloody Mary Bar made with Demitri’s Bloody Mary Seasonings and Absolut! We’re talking deep fried, pickled, fresh, meaty and cheesy toppings! Ticket to Bacon Eggs & Kegs includes beverage tickets (beer, cider, mimosas, Bloody Marys, Irish coffee, root beer), with $5 brunch bites for sale, DJ music, dueling pianos, and lawn games at CenturyLink Field for age 21+. We have brunch inspired dishes, different kinds of alcohol, sing and dance, and games! The event is 21+. Located primarily in the Field Plaza (indoors) – we’ll have picnic tables and food trucks outside if the sun shines! Ticket is $40 for Saturday , $35 for Sunday.