【看舞蹈 Dance 】
日期:7月13日 (星期五)
时间:6:30 p.m. 大门开启/ 7:30 p.m. 表演开始
STG的标志舞蹈项目「第20届舞蹈汇演」汇集来自不同社区的青年和成人表演者进行合作,并通过舞蹈艺术分享他们的文化。来自本地和国家艺术家的作品突出了该地区充满活力的人才。过去的嘉宾艺术家包括百老汇专业表演人员,纽约和洛杉矶获奖舞者—Joffrey Ballet和Savion Glover等等。来自墨西哥,克罗地亚,印度和菲律宾的文化舞蹈加入了Tap,Modern和Hip Hop的当代舞蹈。表演者包括来自纽约的校友,新舞者和嘉宾艺术家,来给西雅图一个活力的一晚。
20th Annual Dance This
When: Friday, July 13
Time: Doors at 6:30 p.m./ Show at 7:30 p.m.
Where: The Paramount Theatre
Info: https://www.stgpresents.org
STG’s signature dance program, the 20th Annual DANCE This Performance, brings together youth and adult performers from diverse communities for collaboration and to share their culture through the art of dance. Works from local and national artists highlights this region’s vibrant talent. Past guest artists have included Broadway professionals, New York and L.A. award-winning dancers, the Joffrey Ballet, and Savion Glover to name a few. Cultural dances from Mexico, Croatia, India and the Philippines join contemporary dances of Tap, Modern and Hip Hop. The performers include alumni, new dancers and guest artists from New York, plus a Finale to bring down the house.
【音乐剧 Musical 】
时间:2 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
地点:Taproot Theatre
由Perrin Post和Laurie FlaniganHegge编剧,Dina Maccabee 编曲,Laurie FlaniganHegge填词,和Karen Lund执导,《甜蜜的土地》是一部音乐剧,讲述了一位年轻的德国女子穿越大海与一位她从未见过的挪威男人结婚。当朋友和邻居放弃他们时,他们的快乐结局应该是怀疑和偏见?但是当困难降临社区时,英格和奥拉夫为了拯救他们的朋友而牺牲了一切。
Sweet Land
When: July 11- Aug 18
Time: 2 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. / 8 p.m.
Where: Taproot Theatre
Info: http://taproottheatre.org
Book by Perrin Post and Laurie FlaniganHegge, music by Dina Maccabee, lyrics by Laurie FlaniganHegge, and directed by Karen Lund, Sweet Land is a musical that follows a young German woman crosses the sea to marry a Norwegian man she’s never met. What should be their happy ending is met with suspicion and prejudice as friends and neighbors abandon them. But when hardship befalls the community, Inge and Olaf sacrifice everything to save their friends.
【节日 Festival】
时间:星期五 5p.m. – 11 p.m. / 星期六 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. / 星期日 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
巴拉德海鲜节始于1974年,作为巴拉德与渔业和邻里北欧根源的历史联系的社区庆祝活动。今天,这个为期三天的免费节日吸引了超过75,000名前来享受传统鲑鱼烧烤的人们:当地音乐,艺术和手工艺品,家庭娱乐,啤酒花园,滑板活动以及是 – 很多海鲜!
Ballard Seafood Fest
When: July 13- 15
Time: Fri 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. / Sat 11 a.m. – 11 p.m. / Sun 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Where: NW Market Street
Info: https://seafoodfest.org
SeafoodFest began in 1974 as a community celebration of Ballard’s historic connection to the fishing industry and the neighborhood’s Nordic roots. Today, this free three-day festival attracts over 75,000 people who come to enjoy the traditional salmon barbecue and much more: local music, arts and crafts, family entertainment, a beer garden, a skateboarding event, and yes – lots of seafood!