【电影节 Film Festival 】
时间:7 p.m.
地点:The Varsity Theatre
进入每个场地,您都将获得一张选票,可以在活动结束时投票选出最佳短片和演员。选票将发送至MANHATTAN SHORT 总部,获奖者将于10月8日星期一美国东部时间上午10点在ManhattanShort.com 网站上公布。主办方和演员们都热切地等待着你的决定。
Manhattan Short Film Festival
When:Friday, Oct. 5, 2018
Time: 7 p.m.
Where: The Varsity Theatre
Info: http://www.manhattanshort.com/
This year, MANHATTAN SHORT received 1565 entries from 73 countries from which nine finalists were selected. These nine short films will screen more than 1000 times in over 350 cities on six continents and will all be eligible for OSCAR nomination during the week of Sept 27 – Oct 7. And the judges of these films are you, the audience. On entry to each venue, you will be handed a ballot card that allows you to VOTE for the BEST SHORT FILM and ACTOR at the conclusion of the program. Votes will be sent to MANHATTAN SHORT’s headquarters and the winner will be announced at ManhattanShort.com on Monday October 8 at 10am EST. The directors and actors anxiously await your decision.
【马戏团 Circus 】
时间:大门开放 6:30 p.m. | 节目开始于 7:30 p.m.
地点:Emerald City Trapeze Arts
票价:免费入场,先到先得;$10 预留座位;$20 尊贵门票
走进色彩斑斓,充满质感和历史的世界。观看表演空中飞人(Flying Trapeze)的艺术家从高空吊架上频频换手、跳跃、翻转,技艺精湛,惊险刺激让人目不暇接!当我们的空中飞人在丝绸,圆环,绳索上翻飞时,让你的想像力自由驰骋吧!想像一下,只要你来到这个的马戏团,就可以置身这精彩绝伦的艺术中,绝对让你大开眼界。Protege Show不会令你失望。
Trapeze show
When:Saturaday, Sept. 22, 2018
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Where: Emerald City Trapeze Arts
Ticket: Free entry as capacity allows ; $10 for guaranteed entry ; $20 VIP
Info: https://emeraldcitytrapeze.com
Step into a world of color, texture, and history. Watch as Flying Trapeze artists swoosh from bar to catcher, performing tricks, splits, and flips! Let your imagination run wild as the Aerialists perform whimsical routines on silks, hoop, rope, and more! Imagine the possibility of running away to the circus as you are dazzled by the circus artists, performing incredible feats! Protege Show is the best of the best, performing on their apparatus of choice! Gallery: The Art of Movement will take your breath away!
【歌舞 Cabaret 】
Cancan 剧场华丽日场表演
时间:12:30 p.m. / 2:30 p.m.
地点:94 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101
The Magnificent Matinee
When:Sept. 22 – 30
Time: 12:30 p.m. / 2:30 p.m.
Where: 94 Pike St, Seattle, WA 98101
Info: http://www.thecancan.com/magnificentmatinee/
The Magnificent Matinee combines history with high-kicks and culinary delicacies with world-class cabaret, providing a tour of the historic Pike Place Market from the comfort of the intimate, sixty-seat venue. Enjoy hand-crafted small plates prepared with the finest ingredients from local market vendors, scintillating tales from Seattle’s colorful underbelly, and the unique blend of dance theatre, comedy, music, and more performed by Can Can’s acclaimed professional dance theatre company.