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ROZ AND RAY: a fine line between love and hate

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文 | Zita Lam 版权所有,转载必究


Seattle Repertory Theatre
c81a3f32-971d-11e6-afe3-aa7519fc8cd3-780x520Written by Karen Hartman, story falls into the unfortunate situation between two people, Ray, a single father of the hemophiliac twins and Roz, a pediatric doctor. Background sets in the 1980s where the very first AIDS case in the United States was recognized, the new miracle drug that Dr. Roz discovered for the twins turned out to be the beginning of all tragedies.

The play starts with the spectacular staging with piles of desolate medical instruments, it captures the vision and imagination of the audience on this two-men show. Story’s timeline goes back and forth compactly enough to keep you on the edge of your seat, but clearly enough to see the development of characters’ love-hate relationship.

More than an era of medication crisis, Roz And Ray digs into the fear of all generation of all times, uncertainty. Uncertain about your love ones’ lives, uncertain about their sexuality orientation, uncertain about the society, and all spoken in this play. Recently won Edgerton Foundation New Play Awards from Theatre Communications Group, the play originally produced at Seattle Repertory Theatre casts two experienced actor/actress, Teagle F. Bougere and Ellen McLaughlin. For more info visit :

Running time: 1 hour 40 mins

11/10 Thursday 7:30pm
11/11 Friday 7:30pm
11/12 Saturday 2pm; 7:30pm
11/13 Sunday 2pm

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