【交响乐 Symphony】

时间:7:00 p.m.
西雅图交响乐团将会在伦顿的宜家表演艺术中心举行免费社区音乐会。 指挥李·米尔斯(Lee Mills)是一位热情、多面和充满活力的国际公认指挥家。 他曾领导巴西交响乐团的演出,并被誉为「无与伦比的活泼和高品质的声音」。 17岁的权敏秀(Minsoo Kwon)将演奏长笛。 在2019年夏季,她作为国家青年乐团(NYO2)的一部分在卡内基音乐厅和迈阿密的新世界中心演出。 她曾三度入围MTNA全国决赛入围者,并于2018年获得第三名,两次在King FM的NW Focus Live中演出。
Community Concert in Renton
When: Tuesday, Feb. 25
Where: Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center
Ticket: Free
Info: https://www.seattlesymphony.org/
Join the Seattle Symphony for a free community concert at the Renton IKEA Performing Arts Center in Renton. Conductor Lee Mills is internationally recognized as a passionate, multifaceted and energetic conductor. He has led performances with the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra that have been hailed as having a “sonority of unequaled liveliness and quality.” Minsoo Kwon, 17, will perform flute. In the summer of 2019, she performed at Carnegie Hall and Miami’s New World Center as part of the National Youth Orchestra (NYO2). Minsoo has been named an MTNA National Finalist three times, winning 3rd place in 2018, and has performed on King FM’s NW Focus Live two times.
【音乐剧 Musical 】

在2018年在百老汇上映后,迪士尼动画片《冰雪奇缘》的舞台改编音乐剧将在北美巡回演出,直至三月一日都将在西雅图的派拉蒙剧院上演。音乐剧中涵盖了电影中的所有热门歌曲,以及同一支团队创作的十二首新歌曲。 Frozen的电影本身没有脱离典型的一见钟情的迪士尼故事,而音乐剧却并没有让焦点偏离姐妹之间的关系。音乐剧中还有很多群体演唱的片段,整部剧对于节奏的掌控、舞台的走位、灯光控制、场景变换以及演员们对于自己肢体的把控都是巨大的挑战,完美的无缝衔接专业表演绝对值得票价。
When: Feb. 19 – March 1
Where: Paramount Theatre
Info: https://www.stgpresents.org/calendar/4805/disney-s-frozen
Frozen is the timeless tale of a family pulled apart by a mysterious secret. As one sister struggles to find her voice and harness her powers within, the other embarks on an epic journey to bring her family together once and for all. An unforgettable theatrical experience filled with sensational special effects, stunning sets and costumes, and powerhouse performances, Frozen is everything you want in a musical.
【博览会 Expo】

Curiosity Expo: Climate Change
When: Feb. 28 – March 1
Where: Pacific Science Center
Info: https://www.pacificsciencecenter.org/
Curiosity Expo (CX) is a science-filled weekend for the whole community, with hands-on activities led by local experts built around a single, inspiring theme. For this installment of CX, investigate the impacts that climate change has on the earth. Recent wildfires, melting ice caps, extreme temperature fluctuation, and hurricane intensity have all been linked to climate change. Dive into this pressing topic through hands-on activities, lives science shows, and more.