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不愿被当作「后院」 尼泊尔和印度闹翻了

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Nepalese students holding placards take part in a protest to show solidarity against the border blockade in Kathmandu, Nepal November 27, 2015. The middle hills and the capital Kathmandu have suffered fuel and cooking gas shortages after protesters in the south switched to blocking supplies from India, Nepal's largest trading partner, almost two months ago. Many in Nepal accuse India of supporting the protesters - a charge New Delhi denies. India has expressed its dissatisfaction with parts of the constitution, although it also says it cannot allow trucks to enter Nepal while conditions are unsafe. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar
Nepalese students holding placards take part in a protest to show solidarity against the border blockade in Kathmandu, Nepal November 27, 2015. The middle hills and the capital Kathmandu have suffered fuel and cooking gas shortages after protesters in the south switched to blocking supplies from India, Nepal’s largest trading partner, almost two months ago. Many in Nepal accuse India of supporting the protesters – a charge New Delhi denies. India has expressed its dissatisfaction with parts of the constitution, although it also says it cannot allow trucks to enter Nepal while conditions are unsafe. REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar

周一,尼泊尔总统班达里(Bidhya Devi Bhandari)在启程72小时前突然取消了访问印度的行程。紧接着,尼泊尔召回了其驻印度大使,并指责这位大使「不合作」以及从事「反政府」活动。甚至有传言称,尼泊尔政府将宣布印度驻该国大使为「不受欢迎的人」。

《印度快报》(Indian Express)的报道说,出现外交危机的原因是尼泊尔政府认为印度在试图推翻总理奥利(KP Sharma Oli)领导的政权。去年9月,尼泊尔通过了第一步由民选代表制定的宪法,尼共(联合马列)领导人奥利在随后的选举中上任。




奥利曾在公开场合以及私下告诉印度外交官不要「干涉尼泊尔内政」。前尼共(毛主义)领导人、前总理普拉昌达(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)曾多次强调:「印度的微观管理(micro-management)不会被接受。」

印度独立网络媒体《公民》(The Citizen)文章说,印度对尼泊尔的经济封锁促使奥利转向中国。中国的「一带一路」计划目前在尼泊尔大受欢迎,而印度则选择置身其外。此次外交风波令尼印双方弥合裂痕的努力严重受挫,并使印度大感意外。尼泊尔作为其外交政策建制中的一个敏感部分,此番危机还使印度深感沮丧。



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