(Susie) 5月24日上午10时,全中国人们怀着沉痛的心情向袁隆平院士的遗体告别。送别仪式在长沙举行。虽然是繁忙的工作日,但数千群众身着黑衣、手持鲜花前来殡仪馆送别袁老。
袁隆平的成就不仅让中国人走出了食物短缺的困境,也为解决世界范围内的饥饿问题提供了出路。 50多年来,袁隆平全心致力于研究和改进杂交稻,目前已经培育到了第三代。杂交水稻技术的进步创造了伟大的中国奇蹟——我国用不到世界9%的耕地养活了世界近20%的人口。这项创举被称为中国的第五大发明,也被认为是第二次绿色革命。
在中国,袁隆平是一个家喻户晓的名字,因为他为解决老百姓温饱问题奉献了毕生精力。 2019年,袁隆平被授予国家最高荣誉奖”共和国勋章”。而年轻人口中充满爱意的“袁爷爷” 已经传颂了多年。
This past Monday morning, China bid farewell to Professor Yuan Longping, the “father of hybrid rice” in great agony. Despite being a busy work day, thousands of people dressed in black showed up and laid flowers at the site.
The achievements of Yuan Longping greatly solved the food shortage in China, and provided a solution to the worldwide starvation.The agronomist spent over five decades researching and improving hybrid rice, which has reached its third generation, helping China work a great wonder – feeding nearly one-fifth of the world’s population with less than 9 percent of the world’s total arable land. It is regarded as the fifth invention after China’s Four Major Inventions, and is acclaimed as the Second Green Revolution.
His lifelong dedication to reducing hunger made him a household name in China. In 2019, Yuan was awarded the Medal of the Republic, China’s highest state honor. And his loving nickname “Grandpa Yuan” has been passing along among young Chinese people way back.
And today, with the utmost respect and deep affection, we just want to say, “Farewell Grandpa Yuan, may your soul rest in peace. We are living an age of prosperity, just as you wished.